Atish e Ishq

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Heyam was laying on the bed staring at the wall with blank eyes. There was no sadness in her eyes. There were no tears in her eyes. She was tired of crying, tried of screaming. She started accepting her fate after two weeks of being locked in her room eating after a whole day. Getting unconscious from time to time. Nobody came to see her. She was alone fighting with herself. The only thing she spoke to the maid was
"Tell your Sardar to shift Anna to my room"

The maid scowled at her words and said
"We can't tell him. We have to request he's the leader here"

"Then request him otherwise I will not eat anything and die of starvation"
She screamed and started sobbing

"Huh as if it will affect us"
The maid muttered but Heyam heard it

And as shed said. She didn't eat anything for two days and got unconscious. She only had Anna here whom she can call hers. She was really worried about her. She didn't meet her for two days. The maid tried to wake her up but in vain. Heyam was very pale at that time

All of this was informed to Sardar who sighed hearing this and nodded his head in disbelief. He called the doctor and doctor informed that she fainted because she didn't eat anything and he got to know the reason by maid. The maid got an earful from him for not informing. In the evening Anna was shifted to her balcony with a small bed of hers to protect her from cold and her bed was settled under the shade to save her from snowfall as balcony was very vast. She got to know the man who kicked Anna was punished badly and got fired by Sardar. For the first time she liked anyone's act in this Haveli. She hugged Anna who cried hard but Heyam was kissing her madly. Anna was taken good care of here. The servants used to made her bath daily, then dry her hair. She was given meat here daily. She had a soft cute bed of hers but having all these things she still missed Heyam. It was the only night Heyam and Anna slept without crying

Now after two weeks Heyam was tired of her life. She started hating herself, her appearance, her culture, her nature everything. She considered her the culprit of everything. She thought if she wasn't born then Faisal Khan would have lived with his family. He would have loved his children. Even if his family got to know about his marriage they would have forgiven him as Umera died. She would sit silently and suddenly start sobbing loudly. She was having anxiety attacks but she got tired of all of this

Heyam got up and went towards Anna. She hugged her tightly and cried sitting there for an Anna. Seeing Anna sleeping she went into washroom. She opened the cabinet and took scissors out of it. Heyam's heart was beating extreme faster. She sighed closing her eyes and placed the one side of scissor on her wrist. She put pressure on it feeling scared but still didn't stop. Heyam stopped for two minutes. She was hiccuping looking at her miserable self in the mirror. She closed her eyes again and slit her wrist

Heyam screamed from the pain she was feeling in her wrist. She opened her teary eyes to see nothing happened to her wrist. Heyam blinked feeling shocked. She put it again on her wrist with more pressure and slit. Still, nothing happened. She was shocked by all the happenings. How can this be possible? She went out of the washroom picked up the knife from the fruit basket and went inside the washroom again. She put it on her vein applying as much pressure as she could. She again felt fear but slit immediately closing her eyes. Heyam screamed. She opened her eyes to see her wrist completely fine

"How is this possible? I am feeling so much pain but nothing is happening except for some scars"
She whispered holding her in a fist. Heyam sighed and picked up the scissors again. She sat on the floor. This time she decided to insert scissors into her wrist first. She tried her best but nothing happened except scars. She was completely shocked seeing all of this but she didn't give up. She tried for an hour. She was sweating badly but still nothing happened. Heyam sighed giving up. She was in so much pain now

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