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At the luxurious cabin in Breckenridge, Colorado, Ava and Ethan gathered with their close friends for a weekend ski trip. The cabin, nestled amidst snowy slopes, offered a stunning view of the wintry landscape. Their group included Tony, Carlson, Amy, Sofia, Jasmine, Troy, Joan, Brent, and, notably, Violet.

As they settled in, the cabin buzzed with excitement.

"So, who's ready to hit the slopes this afternoon?" Tony asked, grinning widely as he looked around at the group.

"Count me in!" Jasmine exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious. "I've been waiting for this trip for weeks."

Carlson, pulling on his ski gloves, nodded in agreement. "Same here. The snow conditions are perfect today."

Ava, trying to keep the mood light, chimed in. "I bet Ethan's going to show off his skiing skills again. Remember last time?"

Ethan, who had been somewhat quiet, smiled. "I don't know about showing off, but I'm definitely looking forward to some good runs."

Violet, standing a bit apart from the group, added, "Ethan's always been a great skier. I'm sure he'll be leading the pack."

There was a brief, awkward silence before Amy quickly changed the subject. "So, who's up for some hot chocolate when we get back? I heard the cabin's stocked with all the goodies."

Sofia clapped her hands excitedly. "Oh, I'm all for that! And maybe some board games by the fireplace?"

Brent, who was checking his ski equipment, looked up. "Board games sound great. And I'm totally winning at Monopoly this time."

Joan laughed. "In your dreams, Brent! I'm the reigning Monopoly champion here."

Troy joined in the banter. "We'll see about that. I've been practicing my strategic skills."

As they continued to chat and joke, Ava noticed Ethan frequently glancing at his phone, his attention divided. Despite the lively atmosphere, a sense of unease lingered around him.

After a while, the group geared up and headed out to the ski slopes. The crisp mountain air and the thrill of skiing brought a temporary respite from the undercurrents of tension.

On the snowy slopes of Breckenridge, the group was in high spirits, energized by the thrill of skiing. Ethan, with his usual skill and confidence, was effortlessly navigating the slopes, but it wasn't his prowess that caught Ava's attention. Throughout the afternoon, Ethan had been devoting a significant amount of his time to Violet, patiently teaching her how to ski.

Ava watched from a distance, a pang of sadness in her heart as she observed Ethan's attentiveness towards Violet. He was gentle and patient, guiding her through the basics, his laughter echoing every time Violet managed to stay upright. To the casual observer, they appeared close, almost intimate in their interactions.

"Ethan really seems to be enjoying teaching Violet," Tony commented, noticing Ava's gaze.

"Yeah, he's always been a great teacher," Ava replied, her voice tinged with a melancholy she couldn't quite hide.

Sofia, skiing up beside Ava, offered a sympathetic smile. "It's sweet of him to help her out. It's her first time skiing, right?"

Ava nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, she's lucky to have such a patient instructor."

As the group continued skiing, Ava tried to focus on her own enjoyment of the sport, but her mind was elsewhere, troubled by the easy camaraderie she saw between Ethan and Violet. The laughter and shouts of their friends faded into the background as Ava's thoughts lingered on the growing distance in her relationship with Ethan.

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