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As dawn broke, a blanket of white enshrouded the world outside the Snowdrift Cabin Inn. The predicted blizzard had arrived with full force, the howling wind and swirling snow creating a mesmerizing yet isolating barrier from the rest of the world. Inside, the cabin remained a beacon of warmth and light, a snug refuge against the storm's fury.

Ava had risen early, drawn to the window by the spectacle of nature's power. She watched, coffee in hand, as the snowflakes danced in the wind, each one a tiny marvel. Fred, finding sleep elusive in the excitement of the storm, joined her, his presence a comforting addition to the room's warmth.

"Looks like we're properly snowed in," Fred commented, his breath fogging the glass as he peered outside. His tone held a note of awe mixed with a hint of excitement at the enforced pause in their busy lives.

Ava nodded, her eyes still fixed on the swirling snow. "It's beautiful, isn't it? The way the snow transforms everything." There was a note of reverence in her voice, a reflection of her deep appreciation for her new surroundings.

Fred watched her for a moment, then ventured, "You seem to fit right into this 'new world'. Ever think you'd end up loving it this much?"

A laugh escaped her, soft and light. "Never. I was the one who thought snow was just pretty to look at from inside a warm room. And now, here I am, feeling like I belong amidst it all."

"There's a first time for everything," Fred replied, his gaze lingering on her profile. "Speaking of first times, did you ever imagine we'd be standing here together, watching a blizzard in Girdwood?"

Ava turned to look at him, a playful glint in her eyes. "That would have been a very specific daydream, don't you think?" But then her expression softened. "But no, I didn't. Life is full of surprises."

Fred leaned slightly closer, drawn by the warmth of the moment. "Good surprises, I hope."

"Definitely good," Ava affirmed, meeting his gaze. The proximity brought a shared warmth, an unspoken acknowledgment of their rekindled friendship—and perhaps, the potential for something more.

"Good," Fred echoed, his voice barely above a whisper. For a long moment, they simply stood there, sharing the quiet morning, the storm outside creating a world that belonged just to them.

The sound of the wind against the cabin brought Ava back to the present. "We should probably start thinking about breakfast. Something tells me we'll need a good meal to get through this storm."

Fred nodded, reluctance to break the moment evident in his slow movement away from the window. "Let me help. I've become quite the pancake expert, you know."

Ava smiled, the warmth in her heart echoing the cozy atmosphere of the cabin. "I look forward to it, Chef Fred."

By eleven in the morning, the cabin remained unusually quiet, the rest of the guests taking advantage of the blizzard to catch up on sleep, leaving Fred and Ava alone in the living room. The grand fireplace before them crackled and popped, casting a warm, comforting light over the two as they nestled into the plush couches, lost in conversation and memories.

Their talk meandered through various topics until it landed on their high school years, bringing up names and faces from the past—Candace and Vickie, Troy and Eric. Each name conjured up a trove of memories, painting the air with nostalgia.

"Do you remember the senior prank we all tried to pull off?" Fred asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, reminiscent of his younger self.

Ava burst into laughter, the sound echoing warmly against the wooden walls of the cabin. "How could I forget? We thought we were so clever, hiding alarm clocks all over the school."

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