Chapter 16 | Sick | Part 2

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"Don't tell me you're one of those crazy bums who dip their french fries in milkshakes, man."

Morning came and I woke up feeling even worse than I felt yesterday. I had a blocked up head, a migraine, a runny nose, and felt so weak, getting up to use the bathroom was a struggle for me.

I felt nauseous and I was scared I was going to throw up. I got up, but I was so weak, I couldn't walk in a straight line.

I managed to make my way to the bathroom, but I didn't even bother to close the door before I collapsed next to the toilet, hoping I wouldn't actually vomit.

I didn't throw up, but I still felt nauseous, so I stayed there. I heard footsteps approach the doorway to the bathroom.

"Elle?" I heard Johnny's voice ask. Of course there were people here already. Well, I don't know what time it is. I'm not even fully sure it's morning.

"Yeah?" I asked, my voice sounded weak.

"You okay?"

"I feel like I'm gonna throw up." I said honestly. He came into the bathroom and sat down next to me.

"I'm gonna get you sick, Johnny." I said.

"Nah, I don't get sick too easily."

"Where's Mrs. Curtis?" I asked, changing the subject.

"She had to go to work, so she told me to make sure you were alright." He said, "She said somethin' about trustin' me more than Two-bit and Dally."

I would've laughed a little at the comment, but I'm pretty sure it would've caused me to projectile vomit everywhere. Then I felt it coming.

I quickly put my head over the toilet and threw up. It was honestly kind of embarrassing to do in front of Johnny, but he just held my hair back and rubbed my back. Sometimes having the gang is really sweet.

"Thanks Johnny." I said after I was done.

"It's no problem." He smiled.

I flushed the toilet and he helped me up and back to bed. He didn't stay in the room and let me have my space. He made sure to keep the other two quiet for me. Johnny is such an amazing kid.

I then fell asleep again.

Time Skip

A few days later, I wasn't as sick anymore. I still had a slight cough and I was tired, but not much else. I wasn't contagious anymore, I don't even know if I was to begin with because nobody else got sick.

It was Friday, and I still wasn't recovered enough to go back to school yet, so I didn't have to go. I haven't missed it one bit.

It's my first day back in the action of the gang. Soda and Steve had a day off today, but Steve is in school anyway. So is Two-bit. Sometimes during school hours, he's here. Other times, he actually goes. You never know with him.

So right now, it's Me, Soda, Dally, and Johnny since Darry doesn't have the day off work.

I was leaning on Soda's shoulder while he was talking to the other two. I was zoned out of the conversation, still thinking about the letter I still had to give to Mrs. Curtis.

"Do ya'll wanna go to the Dingo?" Johnny asked. I was starting to get my appetite back, so I wouldn't mind.

Soda looked at me before responding, I nodded.

"Yeah, we'll go." He said.

We all got up and began to walk out the door. Johnny and Dally were wrapped up in their own conversation.

"So, the gang knows about Sandy." Soda told me.

"Dally didn't go find her yet?" I joked.

He chuckled. "I told him not to."

"Of course." I laughed. Didn't tell me not to...

We all got to the Dingo and waited to get served. I was pretty damn hungry since I haven't eaten a lot in the past few days because of how sick I was. 

A girl walked over to our table. "Hello, may I take your order?" She asked, looking around at us, not knowing who was going to answer first. Dally ordered first, then Johnny, then me, lastly, Soda.

I ordered a cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake. After she took all our orders, she walked away.

"Don't tell me you're one of those crazy bums who dip their french fries in milkshakes, man." Dally said.

"Hell no." I responded, with a disgusted look on my face.

"Just checkin'." He shrugged.

"That's nasty." I said, almost tasting it in my mouth.

"That's why I asked." He responded.

We got our food a little later and we all began to dig in. Johnny and Dally ate like it was their last meal.
A/N Lmao, I'm sorry I had to.

I ate slowly, but I began to think about the letter again and I slowly lost my appetite. I just stared at the plate, which still had half a burger and almost all the fries left.

"Ya good, Elle?" Johnny asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm fine, I just still feel a little sick I guess." I lied.

He gave me a look like he knew I was lying, so did Soda. And Dally. They all knew something was up, I just didn't want to say anything.

"Liar." Dally sat back in his seat, crossing his arms. "What's bothering ya, man?"

The three of them were all staring at me, waiting for an answer. An answer I didn't want to give them, but I couldn't think of a lie on the spot.

"I have somethin' for Mrs. Curtis from the school. I haven't given it to her yet." I explained.

"What about?" Dally asked. Soda stayed quiet, since he already knew about it.

The fact that I'm too dumb for school." I shrugged. 

"You're doin' better than I ever had." Johnny said. I shrugged.

"Elle, ya aren't dumb." Soda said.

"We aren't having this conversation right now." I sassed, looking him dead in the eye. That's exactly what he said to me every time I told him the same thing. He gave me a look.

Dally coughed to break the uncomfortable silence that had come over the table.

"So..." He had nothing to say.

"I should've known this lunch was a bad idea..." I got up and began to leave. "I knew this would've gotten out." I mumbled, but I think they heard me. Nobody followed me though, all deciding to give me my space.


Published March 8th 10:10 PM EST

Words: 1030

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