🍁The Party and Issac🍁

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I was sitting on the bench watching the practice on the field as Max and Jackson were there. My school day has been hell and I mean literal hell, I've barely eaten today and I have had Lydia being nasty all day.

I see Stiles coming towards Scott running towards him."Scott! Scott, wait up." Stiles says running after Scott."Stiles, I'm playing the first elimination, man - Can it wait?" Scott asked feeling impatient.

"Just hold on, okay? I overheard my dad on the phone. The fibre analysis came back from the lab in L.A. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!" Stiles rambles out. "Stiles, I got to go," Scott says restless

"Wait, no! Scott! You're not going to believe what the animal was!" Stiles says as Scott walks off to the field.

'It was a wolf." Stiles trails off and Stiles comes to sit near me." Hey Es, I haven't seen you for a while, we need to have a twin movie night soon," Stiles smiles.

I turned to look at him," I know, sorry been with Max haven't I so we'll have a movie night I promise soon," I smiled softly.

I looked to see Max and Scott looking in my direction and both smiled at me. Max pushed Scott down harshly before coming over to me, "Get to mine and get ready for the party," Max said scarily calm.

I softly nodded before looking at Scott who seemed to have a look on his face of anger, sadness, and despair.


I was at Max's home, I had gotten dressed and ready for the party and Max was dressed up nicely. Max made his way over to me and grabbed my chin roughly." Now grounds rules, One- I'm the only male you will touch, talk to and acknowledge," Max states.

"Two- You will never leave my side and talk to those I deem acceptable. Three- You are to never and I mean never talk to that idiot brother of yours and your ex-best mate," Max cruelly says.

"Y-yes I understand, I will do what you say," I shakily say." Good now let's go as I want to be there when everyone arrives along with Jackson and Lydia," Max says sharply and drags me to his car.

We headed over to the party and it wasn't in full swing as of yet but Jackson and Lydia were here." Oh, Max, looking gorgeous as ever," Lydia says softly kissing his cheek.

Lydia and Jackson look me up and down and scoff at me," She needs to lose some more weight and get a better sense of clothing," Lydia says cruelly laughing at me.

I put my head down and Jackson comes up to me and grabs my chin," Max you and I should ruin her one day, it would be fun," Jackson smirks." Brother that's my plan one day," Max smirks at him.

I gulped at this point," I need to use the restroom please excuse me," I said softly and I headed to one of the bathrooms, ran to the toilet, and threw up bile from lack of food, nerves, and disgust.

Max pounded on the door," Get out here now! Guests are turning up and we have to greet them along with Lydia and Jackson," Max says sharply. I got up got rid of the smell of bile and headed out to a very cross Max. We headed downstairs and greeted everyone who turned up.


The party went on, Max went over to see Allison who came here with Scott and left me standing on my own. Scott made his way over to me with a puppy dog smile.

"May I have this dance with my favourite girl?" Scott asks with a smile." Yes you may," I said softly and we began to dance a slow dance to a love song.

I could see Scott looking at me with a look in his eyes that was very foreign to me." I've missed you Es, I wish you'd come around more," Scott says softly smiling at me."I would Scott but you know what it's like being in love," I said softly smiling.

Scott started groaning in pain," You can't shift here, go home now!" I whispered." But I'm on a date!" Scott argues."Tough! You need to get going otherwise you'll hurt someone and I know you don't want to do that so get going! Run!" I said softly pushing him to leave.

Allison rushed past me to chase after Scott and Max gripped my arm." What did you do?!" Max harshly whispers at me."N-Nothing he wasn't feeling well so I told him to go home, "I whimpered as Max's grip got tighter and I felt a bruise forming under his fingertips.

"You will leave this party and go home right now, I'll deal with you tomorrow," Max says harshly and pushes me towards the door. I turned to leave and I bumped into someone and whimpered a volume no one could hear.

"I-I'm sorry," I said softly before looking up and seeing Derek Hale looking right at me." It's alright, you didn't hurt me. Did I hurt you?" Derek asks gently."N-No! You didn't," I say shakily before moving past him.

I quickly exited the place only to bump into someone else who gently stabilized me. I shakily looked up to see Issac who had a black eye." Are you okay?" Isaac asks nervously.

I shakily nod, "You're not, I can tell," Isaac says softly." Come on my bike," Isaac says. I shakily look around and see Max looking at us.

"Okay hurry," I said softly as I climbed on and he rode off." You should get out of that relationship, he's not good for you," Issac says nervously." You should get out of your house," I say softly.

"I would but I don't have anywhere to go," Isaac sadly admits." I can't leave him as he could ruin my dad's career and leave him without a job," I sadly admitted.

Issac got to the graveyard and we sat on his backhoe looking at the stars." Let's make a pact right here right now," I say softly putting my hand on his.

"If one of us makes it out of our horrible situations we always look out for the other and rescue them and protect them forever," I say looking at Issac.

"Agreed, I will try my hardest to protect you from harm Esme," Isaac says softly smiling at me." Same here Isaac," I smiled softly. Isaac and I laid together for a while, "I best head home as you got work tonight," I said getting up." Yeah, I have to but thank you for sitting with me," Isaac says softly.

This chapter is done ✔️ we've seen a bit of Esme, Scott and Issac 🥹❤️

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This book contains dark themes so don't be so shocked!!

This is my spin on Teen Wolf with real-life situations!!!

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