🧞‍♀️Bitten and left for dead🧞‍♀️

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Four months we've all been stuck in this vault together. Boys and Cora seem to have built themselves a friendship or more maybe? Erica is still here too, she was gonna fight Kali but we managed to talk her out of it.

"So why did you run away?" Robin wonders as everyone looks at me." I was in a very abusive relationship with my ex-partner who died," I tell them softly." I was being tormented by my I guess true lover girlfriend, my ex-partner best friend, and girlfriend," I reveal

"I wanted to go on a road trip to recover and come back to Beacon Hills to start again," I said sadly. Robin, Rue, Toni, and Sarah all came over and hugged me." Well you have new best friends now, so you have a new friendship group and if we ever meet Allison Argent and Lydia Martin then they better run fast and run far," Toni chuckles.

"Agreed as I'll light their asses on fire," Rue grins making me smile." Yeah if we meet Jackson Whittmore ooh boy he'll get a beating of a lifetime as from what we heard he deserves it," Roman smirks and Luke nods in agreement.

"You're a kind person, Esme, we will back you up when we leave here against them," Boyd smiles at me as Erica and Cora nod in agreement." I'm honoured to have a pack that cares about me," I said with a smile." Issac, Scott, Stiles, and Derek care about you too!" Boyd says.

I smiled softly and leaned into Robin's arms and Toni nuzzled against me as Rue laid into my torso like Issac normally does."You should meet them you know, my brother, Scott, Issac everyone I love as you all would get along with them," I said with a smile." You'd get along with Stiles Robin and you'd get along with Issac Rue," I smiled.

We sat together happily until the vault door opened and we all stood up, Robin and Toni covered me as Luke and Roman did. Kali, Ennis and the twins enter the vault." Get her," Kali says pointing at me the twins make their way to me and a fight breaks out to protect me.

"I suggest you come forward or I get them to kill all your new friends Esme Stillinski," Kali threatens and she holds Sarah by the throat and Ennis holds Toni and Robin. The twins took down Luke and Roman whilst Cora, Rue, Erica and Boyd stood with me.

I looked at them then Kali," Fine let them go now and I'll walk out with you," I said firmly. Kali let's go of Sarah as Ennis let's go of Robin and Toni." Come along now," Kali demanded as the remaining pack members stood forward.

"Please back up, I don't want to lose you all so please don't do anything," I pleaded. They hesitated at first but soon backed off. Ennis grabbed me as we left the vault." Get your hands off me, I can walk," I said."No now shut up or I'll kill you now," Kali snarks at me as we walk to Deucalion who is standing in a different area of the bank.

"Ahh Miss EsmeStillinski," Deucalion says smiling." What the fuck are you smiling at? I don't see anything funny" I said. Deucalion instantly frowns at my tone," Watch your tone with me," Deucalion warns." Hmm no," I mocked him.

"Now what do you want? Because you lot have trapped us in a vault with barely anything to eat or drink and I'm only human. Do you think this is gonna do damage to me? Ha! I've been through fucking hell for two years so this is weak shit mate," I scoffed at him bored.

"I know all about how you are a chaos witch and that mark shows us that you are a demon too," Deucalion states.

"I also know how it needs to be unlocked by an Alpha bite," Deucalion smirks and shows his red eyes as do the rest of the pack.

"No way in fucking he'll are you biting me!" I yelled. I fought back against the twins first but Enis tackled me to the ground making me groan and I tried to wiggle out of his grip.

Enis bites my right pelvis area hard making me scream but gets muffled by Enis's hand putting his hand over my mouth. Kali quickly bit the same side of my body and bit the right side before I could even react.

Aiden came towards me and bit the left pelvis area hard as Ethan bit the left side of my torso. I was getting weak from the overwhelming amount of pain from the bites and the lack of food and hydration.

Enis brought me to my knees lifted my head and bared the right side of my neck to Deucalion who wolfed out and teeth bared and he bit down hard making me groan in pain.

"Now let's see what happens when five Alphas bite a human marked to be a chaos witch," Deucalion smirks." Take her back to the vault," Deucalion says.

Enis takes me back to the vault and shoves me in and Robin catches me."Bastards!" Robin shouts baring her teeth at Ennis who laughs at her before shutting the vault again. Everyone immediately came over to me," Esme! Look at me!" Roman says gently making me look at him.

"Guys, just back up and just take turns holding her as this isn't going to be nice for her," Luke says firmly. I groaned in pain," This hurts," I mutter. Robin held me and took my pain," My name is Robin Steiner, and I'm the alpha twins, Beta sister, I'm not a triplet I'm 16, "Robin tells us." We still love you, Robin, you're not like them," I said softly.

I felt something wet on my top and I looked to see dark patches where I'd been bitten," It's not red is it?" I said sadly looking at those with supernatural eyes.

None of them would answer me and I knew my body was rejecting the bite." Maybe now I'll be at peace," I said softly before laying asleep in Robin's arms as the rest of the pack of mine took my pain away.

This chapter is done ✔️ Season three is starting right now👀♥️ Esme has been bitten and she already got a pack and new-found friends🥺

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