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Third Person's POV

In the living room, downstairs, the family and maids shared bewildered glances as Atharva quietly made his way into the kitchen, creating a collective hush throughout the household.

This was the first time they had witnessed Atharva setting foot in the kitchen.

Minutes later, their astonishment grew further as Atharva reappeared, holding a lone cup, his departure from the kitchen as quick and mysterious as his sudden appearance had been.

Ritika, positioned alongside her mother-in-law and two sisters-in-law, exclaimed, "Did Atharva Bhai actually go into the kitchen, or am I seeing things?"

Ishita pondered aloud, "Instead of just considering his presence in the kitchen, let's think about what he was doing there. Was he brewing a cup of coffee for Anisha?"

"Is Anisha now so important that Atharva would make coffee for her?" queried Rashi, their mother-in-law, her voice tinged with surprise and a hint of irritation.

Ritika added, "Well, Mummy Ji, I'm telling you, she has a greater significance to him than we acknowledge. He even warned us about ousting us from the house if we did anything her. I've never seen him treat anyone this well before. Could he have fallen in love with her?"

"Absolute nonsense!" Rashi immediately retorted, "It's impossible. He can't love anyone other than that girl."

Ishita questioned, "Then why? Why is he treating her like the queen of this place?"

"Shut up! She's no queen," Aparna spat out, her rage still smoldering from the earlier scolding. Her piercing glare reflected the deep resentment she harbored. "And she won't ever be!"

Ritika, striving to ease the escalating conflict, took a gentle yet firm approach, her voice tinged with concern, "Please, Aparna bhabhi, let's not escalate this further. It's best to accept her presence. None of us here can afford to challenge Atharva bhai. You've seen the ferocity of his anger – it's like a raging storm ready to engulf everything in its path. It's beyond risky to provoke him."

Ishita, aligning with Ritika's perspective, added her support, "I am hating it, but I also believe Ritika is right in this matter."

Aparna, resolute in her defiance, spoke with venomous bitterness, "No, I absolutely won't."

Her mother-in-law echoed her sentiment, adding fuel to the fire, "Well, I completely agree with Aparna! She's just arrived and has already threatened our place here. That girl, along with her daughter, has no right to reside here. Atharva is being excessively generous towards her. Anyways, we know him well. How long can this façade last? Has anyone ever truly won his heart? Let the situation settle. Give it a week or two, and watch as he again remembers about the woman he loves and then, he will gradually withdraw all his attention from both of them. Then they'll understand their place here."

Meanwhile, upstairs in their room, Atharva observed Anisha enjoying her cup of coffee. His gaze kept gravitating towards her, causing intermittent smiles to appear on his face as he stole glances at her while engrossed in his work.

There was an undeniable warmth in his eyes each time he looked at her, a silent admiration for her presence that he couldn't hide. His each stolen glance fueled his love for her, that blossomed quietly, painting a tender portrait of affection and admiration for her.

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