𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝖿𝗂𝗏𝖾

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Third Person's POV

The next morning, Atharva had an urgent matter to attend to at work. Despite the early hour, he couldn't delay leaving. He quietly readied himself, ensuring each movement was as silent as a whisper, so as to not disturb the serene sleep of Anisha and Maisha.

Finished getting ready, he leaned over to Maisha, planting a tender kiss on her forehead and smoothing her hair with a loving touch. Casting a fond gaze at Anisha, he silently expressed his affection before slipping out of the penthouse.

An hour later, Anisha stirred from her slumber, her senses still dulled by sleep's embrace, as she sat up in bed. Fumbling for her phone on the bedside table, her gaze fell upon a note. She read it out :


I hope you slept well. I had to leave early for work, but I didn't want to disturb your sleep. Take your time waking up. Breakfast has been arranged for both of you, and a driver will drop you off at Raichand Mansion. Take care of yourself and Maisha. Feel free to call me for anything. I'll be back home on time.


A tender smile graced her lips, a gentle warmth spreading through her being. She folded the note tenderly, carrying the words with her as she started her day.

After freshening up, Anisha waited for Maisha to rise. The moment the little girl opened her eyes, she looked around the room, expecting to see Atharva, but upon not finding him, she grumbled, her little lips forming a pout.

"Mamma, where's Papa?" Maisha's voice was tinged with irritation as she scanned the empty room.

Anisha walked towards her daughter, as she softly spoke. "He had to leave early today, sweetheart. But he'll be back before you know it. Let's have breakfast together, okay?"

Maisha's frown deepened as she reluctantly nodded, still feeling disappointed.

As they sat down for breakfast, Maisha couldn't shake off her frustration. She pushed her food around on her plate, occasionally letting out small sighs of annoyance. Anisha tried to engage her in conversation, but she remained grumpy.

After breakfast, Anisha convinced her to go to Raichand Mansion, though Maisha huffed, she followed, hoping to see her Papa soon.

Meanwhile, as Atharva was immersed in his tasks at work, his phone suddenly rang. He grabbed it swiftly, hoping to see Anisha's name, yet his heart sank with disappointment when he realized it was his grandmother calling instead.

"Hello, Dadi," Atharva answered, trying to sound normal despite his disappointment.

"Hello, beta," his grandmother's warm voice greeted him. "How did yesterday go with Anisha and Maisha? Did you all have a good time together?"

Atharva sighed softly, longing to run off to his wife and his daughter. "Yes, Dadi, it was wonderful. We had a great time together."

His grandmother's voice softened with affection. "I'm glad to hear that, beta."

She then paused before continuing, "Atharva, today is Dhanteras. Your dadaji always brought me gold on this day, no matter how little he had. Even your dad followed the tradition with your mom. And when they built the Raichand empire, he would spoil her with lots of jewellery, especially on Dhanteras. She really loved it. Why don't you take your wife for some jewelry shopping too? I guess Anisha would like it too."

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