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So readers I just have one request.I just want to request you to show your love to my another book as well.I know you all love my this book and trust me that book is as much as interesting as this so please go and check it out.


Its been more than 4 hours and still the doctor are with Ishika. Noone is allowing Avinash to see her.Nurses are coming out and again running in with pouches of blood.Avinash was just sitting helplessly chanting her name and praying to god. Since four hours he is crying,just settle on the same position,without talking with anyone.Dev tried to talk to him but Avinash was just chanting her her.Many people felt bad for him as they were watching him.Few of them  even prayed for him and Ishika whom they had never seen.

After an hour doctor came out.Avinash stood up and went near doctor.

"Doctor how is she?Is she fine?Can I meet her?Can I talk o her?Doctor is the injury deep?"Avinash asked many question. 

"See Mr.Rathore We can't say anything right now. She has a deep injury on her head and has lost a lot of blood. Now her condition will be known when she comes to her senses."

"she was saved by the grace of God,because in such cases people do not even survive."

"Doctor please do whatever you want but please save her.She is the only reason I am alive and if something happened to her I will also die"

Avinash didn't know what to do?All he could think was Ishika's smiling face"

"Doctor can I meet her?"Avinash asked in a low and shattering tone.

Even the doctor felt sad for him seeing his condition.He was covered in sweat, Tears were dries on his cheeks,dark circles were formed due to crying for hours.

"see Mr.Rathore I understand your concern but the patient's condition is not good right now, so please understand that you cannot meet her right now, we will have to wait for her to regain consciousness."

"Doctor can we see her from outside please"Dev also requested doctor and after few minutes he agreed but to only see her from outside.

The sterile hospital cabin was permeated by an air of sorrow as the Avinash stood out of his injured jaan's cabin, his eyes swollen from six hours of relentless tears. . The accident replayed in his mind, each moment etched with pain.As he looked at her, Avinash grappled with a mix of fear and longing, wishing for her to wake up and fill the room with her lively presence again.The hospital cabin became a cocoon of shared vulnerability, the beeping monitors a constant reminder of the fragility of life.Avinash was just staring at her wishing her to come in her sense and he could take her in his arms.

Ishika was looking pale and week.Bandaged tied around her head and multiple bandages adorned her body.The translucent tubes snaked from bags of fluids to her arm, delivering a steady stream of nourishment and medication,wires connected electrodes to her chest, capturing the electrical symphony of her heartbeat.The hospital gown draped loosely over her, a symbol of both vulnerability and resilience.


Its been 3 days Since the accident.Ishika was still unconsicous lying on the same bed.Avinash was also still on the same bench since three days.Avinash condition was also worse.He had been there with same clothes.He didn't ate food in these three days.He didn't leave her , stayed with her..He didn't even eat anything or drink.

It was the night time.Avinash finally got up from his place.Dev and aashika too did't left Ishika or Avinash alone.Dev looked at him as he was moving out.

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