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♪ without feeling━━━━━━━━━

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without feeling

Riki was with Yokai this morning.

They went to the bakery to drink hot chocolate and buy food.

Riki loved doing this with Yokai, it was his favorite activity with her, just eating something together and chatting.

But this morning was different, because Yokai was starting to get really annoying.

"Anyway, I don't like this teacher. She gives us way too much homework and I don't have time to do anything because of her."

Riki just nodded and made a few sounds to let her believe that he was interested in everything she was saying.

"Oh, and let's talk about that Miyuki." Yokai said in exasperation. "I can't even look at her anymore, she's so annoying."

Riki frowned. He thought she was really naughty to that girl.

"I don't know why you hated her, she was your best friend though."

Yokai growled before turning her whole body towards Riki.

"She's annoying, and it was getting boring having to wait for everything she wants to say. You have to be really patient with her, and my patience has limits."

Yokai took a sip of her hot chocolate and they started walking again. Riki let the silence pass, then dared to ask, running his hands over the back of his neck, "Why didn't you learn sign language ?"

Yokai put her glass away from her mouth and swallowed. She seemed genuinely surprised that Riki would ask her such a question.

"I would never have taken the time to learn sign language for her, it wasn't worth it."

"She was your best friend, if you really loved her, you would have gladly learned sign language. Just to make her life a little easier."

His girlfriend rolled her eyes and finished her hot chocolate verse before tossing it into a trash can as she passed.

"If it had been me, would you have taken the time to learn sign language ?"

"You're not mute, Riki." she was starting to get really annoyed. She wondered why Riki spoke of Miyuki in this way.

"And what if I had been ? Would you have ?"

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