♾️S1. Formality Part 2♾️

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After gruelling hours of being beaten up by the fat bald man. He left us alone, Derek took most of the hits, so I didn't get battered as badly, but I still ended up with more cuts than him.

"Baby girl?" I heard Derek say as I was passing out due to the pain."Roma!" Derek shouts, making me jolt awake.

"I'm up," I said tiredly."I'm sorry. I wish I could have stopped him," Derek says."It's okay, don't blame yourself for this. This is Kate Argent's fault." I muttered sadly.

"Roma, would you ever get the bite?" Derek asks."If I was dying yes until that day, then no, and I don't plan on dying yet," I said with a smirk. Derek also smirked at my comment, and comfortable silence filled the room.

Just then, Kate comes walking in and sits down, not looking at us and listening to her voicemails.

"Hey. It is me. I'm getting tired of leaving messages. I wanna know where you are. Call me. Now." Chris Argent says

"Unfortunately, Derek, if you're not gonna talk, I'm just gonna have to kill you. So say hi to your sister for me."

She goes to turn the electricity on but freezes as she looks at Derek with an evil smirk on her face.

"You did tell her about me, didn't you? The truth about the fire? Or did you?" She gasps."Did you tell anybody?" She questions.

Derek looks down and doesn't meet my or Kate's gaze.

"Oh, sweetie - That's just a lot of guilt to keep buried. It's not all your fault. You got tricked by a pretty face. It happens! Handsome Young Werewolf mistakenly falls in love with a super-hot girl who comes from a family that kills werewolves." Kate mocks.

"I wouldn't say hot, I would have said paedophile," I said with a mocking smile.

"Is that ironic? Is it - ironic - that you're inadvertently helping me track down the rest of the pack - again? Or just a little bit of history repeating," Kate says.

I look at Derek and I see his shame and all I want to do is comfort him and kill this psychotic bitch. Derek was just a kid who got groomed by a woman who was nearly twenty-two years old.

"History repeating." She repeats."It's not Jackson, is it? Oh, no, no, no, he's got a little scratch on the back of his neck, but - he's not in love with Allison. Not like Scott." Kate says walking away.

She then leaves and it's just me and Derek alone."Don't listen to her," I tell him."Leave it Roma," Derek says sadly.

"No! I won't! Enough is enough! Like I said a while ago you were sixteen and she was twenty-two. You were groomed. I'm not letting you carry on living with this guilt when you weren't at fault," I said softly smiling at me.

"Thank you for believing in me, and when we get out of here, I'm gonna take you out for an ice cream," Derek says softly."Sounds good to me, hot stuff," I said softly, smiling at him.

We stood in comfortable silence and I could see Derek wanting to hold me in his arms. I smiled at him that I was okay despite the injuries and the iron burning my skin. I was in pain but I could see by Derek's face he was in even more pain than me.

Part Two of Formality is done ✔️ The last two chapters of Season One are up next ❤️

So excited for S2!

Any questions you'd like to ask for S2?

What supernatural creature do you think I have in mind for Roma?

Does Roma get your approval?

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