🔯S2.Fury Part 2🔯

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Jackson takes Stiles and Derek into a different room and stands there as I stand in the room. We hear a gunshot and I hope my dad or Melissa didn't get shot as Scott can survive a gunshot wound they can't.


Me, Stiles and Derek discussed what's happening to Matt. "Hey, do you know what's happening to Matt?" Stiles asks

"I know the book's not gonna help him. You can't just break the rules, not like this." Derek answers weakly.

"What do you mean?" I asked."The universe balances things out. Always does." Derek mutters

"Is it because he's using Jackson to kill people who don't deserve it?" Stiles wonders."And killing people himself." Derek

"So, if Matt breaks the rules of the Kanima, he becomes the Kanima?" Stiles questions."Balance." Derek nods."Will he believe us if we tell him that?" I asked.

"Not likely," Derek responds."Okay. He's gonna kill all of us when he gets that book, isn't he?" Stiles says.

"Yep." Derek deadpans."All right, so what do we do? Do we just-do we just sit here and wait to die?" Stiles questions

"Unless I can figure out a way to push the toxin out of my body faster, like triggering the healing process," Derek says. Derek then gets his claws out and starts digging into his legs. "Wha-Oh, what are you doing? Aw, gross." Stiles rambles.


Matt and Scott returned and I see he has a gunshot wound that's now healing up."You know, I-I feel sorry for you, McCall... 'cause right now, you're thinking, "How am I gonna explain this when it heals?" And the sad part is, you don't even realize how incredible it is that you are healing! 'Cause you know what happens to everyone else when they get shot? They die." Matt says.

"Is that what happened to you? You drowned, didn't you?" Scott realises.

"He shouldn't have let them drink," Matt mutters.

"What...? Who...? Matt, what do you mean?" Scott asks confused.

"Lahey! He shouldn't have let them drink!" Matt yells.

"What? Who was drinking?" Scott questions.

"The swim team, you idiot!" Matt shouts

"I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know they had just won State and Lahey, he's letting his favourites come over to have a couple of drinks to celebrate. Who cares if they're seventeen, right?" Matt says.

"Were you at Isaac's?" I asked.

"He had this first edition Spider-Man... or was it Batman...? And we were gonna make a trade." Matt tells us

"But then, I'm over there, and I hear music... and everyone's having a good time... And I see Sean-- he throws Jessica into the pool. And then-and then Bennett goes in, and--" Matt continues.

"Bennett? What, the Hunter?" Scott wonders."And then Camden-- Isaac's jarhead brother-- he grabs me. He thinks it's funny." Matt continues.

"He threw you in." We realise.“I-I yelled that I couldn't swim, but nobody listened. I go under, and I swallow water, and no one cares." Matt reveals.

"And I see these bodies underwater... I-I see Jessica's got her hands down Sean's board shorts. Tucker's grabbing Kara and I'm drowning,” Matt tells us

"I'm dying, and they're laughing! All of a sudden, I was just-- I'm lying by the pool, and Lahey is right there, right above me, and he says "You tell no one!" Matt says.

"This is your fault! What little bastard doesn't know how to swim?" Matt repeats Mr Lahey's words.

"And I didn't. I didn't tell anyone. And I would see them at school, and they wouldn't even look at me. I'd wake up in the middle of the night, I'd gasp for breath, and my parents thought I was an asthmatic." Matt tells everyone

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