Chapter 6: A spy among us?

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[Note: "Normal", "Malay," please be aware of this tiny difference. and if you see these bits |".."| the character is thinking]




It was now morning on the island, with last night's events still having an effect on the room. The remaining elementals masters, chen and clouse sitting in the main room of the palace; were a creast shaped table was placed for the elemental masters to sit around. Speaking of last night's events, the feast as a result was in other words.. atrocious.

"Try the horned wasp eggs, delicious!" Chen suggested, specially to lloyd. Meanwhile the kabuki beside him would offer said item, which lloyd politely declining. Meanwhile our orange hero was suffering the sight of the strange food some of the kabuki would offer. That, and the fact that solar was having a hissy-fit about the feast as whole, being the most sick of the food. Thankfully there was some normal food amongst the strange.

"Oh lighten up green ninja! This isn't a trick, this is a feast to celebrate the 9 of you making it to the 2nd round!" Chen announced, to which 3 of the kabuki would laugh while clapping their hands soon after. "And I must congratulate the master of shadows defeat over master of posion... she was a bit hard to swallow am I right?" Chen continued, with the kabuki repeated the action only for chen to yell "laugh harder!" And laugh as an example; to which the kabuki would comply.

Meanwhile a bowl of what appeared to be soup filled with eyeballs and green slimy tentacles around the ends was moved near boboiboy, to which he would simply make a face in disgust. While he had experienced the sight of odd foods before back in his world, with working with TAPOPs and all, that didn't mean the sight of that didn't make him sick; with Solar's reaction only amplifying that sickness. ||"I think I'm gonna throw up.."|| solar muttered, leaning down, to which thorn would reply by patting his back.

While with boboiboy's case of the sickness, kai would just rest a hand on his shoulder and check if he was okay; to which he would say he was. He was currently seated between kai and Jay, with kai on his right and jay on his left. Kai would then turn to face the green ninja, "you can relax lloyd, even if there was a fight, now that we told the others about chen's dirty plot to steal our powers, we're safe in our secret alliance." He'd say.

"I tried to enlist shadow, but thag dude's throwing some serious shade" the master of speed whispered, meanwhile the kabuki behind him would walk over to the master of shadow with the strange bowl in hand. "Well of you plan to stop Chen, you'll need everyone on board, each fighter that loses gives him strength. Soon he'll be too powerful for even all of you combined to overcome" garmadon explained. Lloyd would however, glance over at the master of shadow with some unsure feeling in his gut.

Soon a kabuki reentered the room with a tray of fortune cookies in hand, which a delighted chen wasted no time upon seeing them. "Ooo fortune cookies! Bring them to me!" Chen exclaimed, clapping his hands upon the sight of the cookies.

"But they are for you captured--i mean, honored guests" clouse replied, watching a chen grabbed a cookie, unaware of the red tiny slip of paper inside it. "Im not going to eat them clousy clouse" he'd say, waving the fortune cookie infront of clouse's face, "just read the fortunes, their my favorite part!" Chen continued, only for clouse to snatch the fortune cookie from his hand.

"Might I warn you.. our guest are fond of whispering.. and I don't think it's about your food... ive heard word they have.. "allied" themselves.. the ninja have told them about our secret ceremony.." clouse whispered, and with each time chen attempted to retake the fortune cookie, he'd move it further away. "Do they know about the spell?" Chen asked, before once again attempting to take the fortune cookie; and failing.

||~Elemental boy in the world of ninjago~|| (Boboiboy & Ninjago crossover)Where stories live. Discover now