ιγ′ -Dekatriah

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I stared at them both, mouth gaping, but Achilles grabbed my arm before I could say anything. "You must return to the city. They won't dare enter it. Mother, send a flare for my men."

"What?" I squirmed in his grasp, tried prying his fingers off my arm. "Why should I?"

Thetis approached the bank again, and reached into the water.

He was putting a lot of faith in the fact that I would run back to his city and not away from it.

Achilles stopped and pulled me close so that even in the dim light of the moon I could see the rippling blue of his eyes and smell the sweat and scented oils from a bath.

"The Amazons are not to be trifled with." Amazons? As in, the women warriors? "I command you back to the city and make for the palace. Patroclus will keep you safe."

"You don't command me," I snarled. "I could run and you can't stop me."

"Are you really going to do this now?" The exasperation was clear as day on his face. "Where would you go, huh? Sparta? Back to your Trojan prince? You'll be lost within the hour. Go back to the palace."

I hated that he had a point. I glared at him, but our argument was cut short by a loud, gurgling horn. Thetis held a conch shell against her lips, blowing into it like horn. Its gurgling noise echoed through the night sky, hopefully enough for the Myrmidons to hear. As she inhaled, a horse crested the hill across the river. I could just make out long hair blowing in the breeze. Even from where we stood, the Amazon was impressive and huge.

I took an instinctive step back and into Achilles.


My head shot up in time to see arrows racing towards us. I threw my hands up–as if that would do anything–and squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for the impact. But I never felt the pierce of arrows. Instead of little arrows, something knocked into me, constricting me in a tight embrace. I inhaled leather and bath oils.

When I peeked my eyes open, I found I was pressed against Achilles, shielding me from the onslaught of arrows. For a horrified moment I worried he'd be killed, but then I remembered the story. Thetis, worried that her son would be killed in battle, dipped him into the River Styx. He was impenetrable. Arrows whirled by us, no doubt hitting him and yet he tightened his arms around me, protecting me.

"Stay still," he said, in a low voice, his warm breath brushing the top of my head.

Shock compelled me to stays still, though there was a trace of surprise. In the beat of a heart, there was only me and Achilles. There were no Amazons and Thetis seemed worlds away. I stood so still, my ear pressed against his chest that I heard his heart beating. It was so steady, so calm, so opposite of my own which raced like a rabbit's. This was what he was made for. The thrill of battle. Of course he wouldn't be scared.

But the fact that he was shielding me, that was unexpected.

A rushing sound overpowered his heartbeat, like a huge rush of water. Achilles gripped me tighter and a spray of cold water doused my arms. And then, suddenly, Thetis was there, her mouth moving but her words muffled.

The moment came crashing down as Achilles pulled away, a dagger appearing like magic in his hand. I peeked around him and gasped. The river had been ripped from its hold and shot into the sky. Thetis had created a watery shield before us. Each time an arrow hit it, the water rippled. Through the blue, I saw distorted shapes of horses and riders, and drew in a sharp breath. They were so much closer than I had expected. I heard the whinnies from the horses, but the Amazons were quiet. There were only half a dozen or so that I could see.

Alexis of Sparta (Book II) - Unedited, first draft*Where stories live. Discover now