ιθ′ - Dekaeneah

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We took off in the opposite direction of the battle, going in what I hoped was the right direction. Patroclus proved to be an incredible sprinter, always a few feet ahead of me and Bacchus.

The landscape faded from open plains to clusters of trees that stood around us. The sun was rising, though still too low to provide much light through the throng of trees. Among the shadows I saw movement matching our pace. On both sides.

They saw us escape. Whoever they were. The Amazons or the mystery army. Yet no one made a move to stop us.

I was so caught up in watching the shadows, that I didn't notice the rock jutting out of the ground. The toe of my sandal hooked on the rock, throwing me off my feet. I landed painfully on my back, knocking the air out of my lungs.

"Get up, Alexis," I said through gritted teeth. Everything hurt, though, and lying down was so nice.

Something shifted to my left, a little too close for comfort. Well, shit. That was the motivation I needed. I leapt to my feet and, ignoring the ache in my back and the tremble in my legs, I ran to catch up to the boys.

The trees started closing in around me. I slipped and stumbled over the uneven ground while trying to avoid branches and protruding roots. There was still no sign of either Bacchus or Patroclus. I wasn't even sure if I was still going in the right direction.

I ran blindly, ignoring the protests from every single part of my body. Place one foot in front of the other. That's all you have to do, I kept telling myself silently. When I got home, I was going to get a premium gym membership.

The trees provided cover, but I knew the mystery shadows were still there, easily matching my pace. The arrow splintering a nearby tree told me as much.

And then, someone darted in front of me, barring my path. I skidded to a halt, my eyes widening when I saw Zoisme. She was crouched in a defensive position, her face twisted with a wild snarl. I took a step back. There she was, the wild Amazonian, bred for war against men. She was smaller and younger than her kin but no less deadly.

When she realized I was alone, she unfurled to her full height and jerked her chin towards the forest.

"Come with me," was all she said, before plunging into the trees.

I didn't hesitate and followed after her. We may be at odds but I still hoped there was a kindling of friendship between us. Or, she was using the invasion as an opportunity to exact her revenge. Either way, there was no going back now.

The forest was dense and cut off the sounds of the battle. Not even the birds and other creatures that resided in the trees made a peep. It was as if they knew the danger that lurked around them. Zoisme led me down a rough and tight path. The way she moved made me wonder how well she knew the forest. We stopped often where she peered through the trees or looked up at the sky, muttering to herself.

About an hour or so of constant halting I lost my patience. "Do you even know where we're going?"

"Yes...sort of. We're not from Greece," she explained. Her tone was sharp. "We come from Asia Minor."

My footing slipped but I managed to stay upright. Anatolia. Where Troy was. No wonder the Amazons had declared their allegiance to the Trojans. I had no idea, though it made sense. After all, we had encountered Zoisme in Anatolia. That realization did nothing for my temper, however.

"How am I supposed to know? You didn't tell me anything except lies."

Zoisme made a choked sound that had to be a laugh, though it was humourless. "You have also lied to me about everything, Alexis."

Alexis of Sparta (Book II) - Unedited, first draft*Where stories live. Discover now