Chapter 9

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Mya POV:

It's game day and I go on my date with Paige today I can't see this day going wrong. Wait let's not jinx it, this day is just going to be a regular day. But I'm still very excited though. I am starting my day with a run, I've made it a thing that every morning on a game day I go on a run. It really does help relax me when my nerves get bad.

I get in some clothes to run in and I see that dad cooked some breakfast for me this morning. I swear he does this every game day too but I've missed it when I went to Minnesota State. "Hello Father" I say walking down stairs.

"Hello daughter" He says making a plate, I'm guessing for mom

"Here is your breakfast. Are you going to eat it now or after the run?" He asks

"After but I'll make it quick so my food doesn't get cold" I say going out the door.

"Alright honey ill keep it warm for you" He says with a sneaky tone

"Don't eat my food old man" I say joking and running down the drive-way.

Time skip to after the run.

After the run I go back inside and wash my hands to eat my food. I really hope this man did not eat my food or I swear I'll tear this place up from top to bottom. I check the microwave and see my food in there. I eat then go upstairs to shower and change into some walk around clothes because my game isn't till 6:00 and I have to be there for 4:00. It's currently 12:40.

While I'm waiting I make sure my outfit for tonight is ready. Nika and Azzi helped me pick it out and when I say helped I mean just picked. They offered so I just let them roam around in my closet and they did a really good job picking the outfit out, I'm really impressed. They put out my Childish Gambino Awaken, My Love album cover knit crew neck with leather skirt and my blue Jordan 1 Travis Scott's. I was kind effy about the black Nike socks but they said it goes with the shirt.

Whatever. I told Mom about my date with Paige and we agreed that If Paige becomes my girlfriend that we should tell dad because she can't stand keeping a secret from her husband, she says that it has been killing her to not to tell him that she saw me and Paige kiss. This is how I know that she be gossiping because how is killing her to keep a secret. Speaking of Mrs. Gossip I hear her coming up the stairs.

"HI honey" she says to me

"Hello mother" I say

"Are these the clothes for your date" she says saying the date part really low

"yes" I say lowly too

"Wow I'm so excited for you, are you excited" she says smiling

I told Mom and Dad I was gay when I was junior in high school. They have been supportive every step of the way and I'm so thankful for them I couldn't wish for better parents.

"Of course I'm excited" I say

"This outfit is really cute is this why Nika and Azzi came over?" She says

"Yes they asked to pick my outfit out for tonight. I kind of feel like I had no choice but to say yes, those girls are very convincing" I say

"I see. Well I'm going to let you finish doing what you where doing before" She says walking out of the room

"Oh and are you and dad coming to the game today?" I ask

"Duh we already got the tickets" She says

Time skips to me get ready leave

Okay its about time go so I put my sleeve on and double check to see if my shoes, knee pads, and water bottle is in there. I take a few mirror pictures in it to post on instagram. I caption it "Game Day #GoHuskies💙". I go downstairs and grab my keys once I get in the car I play some game day music.

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