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Everyone has their own obsession, even the insane ones (especially the insane ones). I swear I'm not insane, but some assume that I am, and that's the reason why I dropped out from my old university. I was the outcast of campus. They didn't pay attention to my ace grades, they just pay attention to the murder-mystery obsessed girl that I am. My parents couldn't handle poor reputation, especially if their daughter is involved. That's why they decided to move me to a new school.

It's my first day of school and my parents gave me an hour lecture about how to NOT scare my peers/fellow students with my obsession. (It's not like I scare them on purpose...well...sometimes). But I can't help it, I love decorating my space with pictures and posters of a crime scene. There's something about murder cases that brings joy and excitement to my heart.

And lucky me, because Gilmore University, (my new school), had some rumors about some cannibal killer, the police still hasn't caught the killer yet. Good thing my parents doesn't know that, or else I would miss this chance of witnessing a crime scene. To be honest, I don't why people still go to that school, considering the amount of students being murdered there. I hope curiosity doesn't kill the cat.


Authors' Note:

Hope you enjoy reading, Sleepless Zombies TvT

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