"Liv Morgan- flatliner!" Micheal shouts.

"One, two-"

Jesse jumped in the ring breaking the pin.

"Liv almost had it!" Micheal shouts.

"Jesse saving her teammate and their championships from utter disaster." Corey adds.

"What a match up here tonight, the tag team champions granting the rematch to Liv and Racquel after WrestleMania!" Micheal shouts.

"Don't worry guys my girls got this." Leanne says, her voice calm with no worry, she wasn't on commentary but was close enough to the announcer's desk so that they'd hear her.

Jesse drags Stacy to their corner tagging herself in.

Heading in the ring, she cheap shots Raquel making her fall off the apron onto the floor.

Leanne who had both the tag titles on her shoulders with hers around her waist watches on at her teammates.

Stacy now on the apron gets up and calls the ref distracting him.

Leanne runs to the other side of the ring, tossing one of the titles in the ring.

"Stacy providing a distraction and look at Leanne!" Micheal says.

Leanne picks up Raquel sending her into the steps, backing away quickly she laughs at her.

"That's the kind of champion you guys wanted!" Micheal snaps.

"That's the kind of champion that gets things done Cole." Corey answers.

As the sneak attack was done Stacy backs down from the ref who turns seeing the title in the ring, he bends down picking it up to hand to a producer.

In this new distraction Leanne passes the other title to Jesse who hits Liv Morgan with it. She tosses it back to Leanne quickly who acts as though nothing happens.

"Alwyas playing dirty these three!" Micheal scolds.

Jesse then goes to Stacy tagging her sister in. Jesse lifts Morgan into a power bomb as Stacy climbs the top rope.

Jumping off into a Medora power bomb combination that they like to the call-

"Rude Awakening! And PVA are gonna steal this one!" Michael spat.

"One, two, three!"

The bell ring and Leanne smiles happy at he'd teammates winning another match.

As their theme plays the lights flicker before going out completely.

When the lights turn back on, PVA was out the ring and Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross in it. Both twisted women held Raquel and Liv in their finishers. The neckbraker and the sister Abigail.

Executing them, they get up and point at the tag team champions.

"Alexa and Nikki making it very well known what they want." Micheal states.

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