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         When they finally arrived in Houston it was around eight in the morning. Jey had woken up Leanne and the rest of the guys letting them know they reached.

No one really held conversation as they were all tired and Jimmy was stretching out a stiff neck he'd gotten when sleeping in the car.

Leanne left them as they sorted out their rooms, getting one of her own. When she got to her room she took off her shoes, striped down to her bra and underwear and threw herself on the bed.

The sleep she had gotten in the car was minimal and uncomfortable making the bed she was on feel like a thousand marshmallows.

She sat up remembering to message Jesse and Stacy to let them know she was in Houston and that she had gotten a ride there not specifying who she rode with.

Being on delivered she leaned over the night stand to plug it in to charge when she got another message.


Got to your room ok?

Leanne smiles finding it adorable that Jey always checked up on her. She knew he was tired having been up the whole 15 hours and he still made time to see if she was OK.

Yeah I'm ok. Are you guys good on ur end? 8:37AM

Yep, tired but it's ite

Get some sleep Jey

Yes ma'am

Good I'll see you ltr tonite

You will?👀

Yes Jey we still work tgt

I'm gonna go now

You ok?

Yeah just tired
and like you said I needa
get some rest

Hmm alr bye Jey
Sleep well

You too

        Jey sighs throwing his phone on the nightstand. He didn't mean to get dry in text but part of him wished she had said she wanted to see him and it wasn't all about work.

He knew the type of girl she was yes, but that didn't stop him from hoping. Rolling over the bed he forced the feeling out his chest and quickly fell asleep.

         Leanne woke up to her phone ringing, disoriented and now annoyed she rolled over stretching her hand to her phone on the nightstand.

Not looking at the caller ID she answers it, "speak." In a rough tone she barks, her eyes dropping asleep once more.

"I guess you didn't check who called you then." Hunters voice rang in her ear.

Immediately she snaps up, all the sleep draining he body, "Hunter, I am so sorry, I didn't-"

As she rambles hunter laughs over the line, "it's alright Leanne I just called to tell you to meet me downstairs in 15 minutes, by the coffee house."

Curious, her eye brows furrows in wonder, "Can I ask what for?"

𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 -JEY USOWhere stories live. Discover now