CH. 4: Just A Friend

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Sera watch as her older sister leave the area.

"She's acting weird", she thought.

The woman than sigh before looking back at her parents' grave one more time. With one more look, she finally turn back and leave the area.

Now, she's walking down the street, on her way to the market to buy groceries.


The woman heard her name being called from behind. She turn and see the one person she never want to meet again.

Her face turn sour instantly.

She turn her back and try to leave.

"Sera, wait up!"

However that person never let her.

Sera let out a sigh full of annoyance.

"What do you want Ethan?", she ask as she stopped to look back at him with slight glare. She knew her face definately shows that she don't want to talk or see him again.

The man finally catch up and stood in front of her.

"I u-uh-", he stuttered.

Sera eyed him, "if you think about us going back together, then save it for another woman", she cut him off, "I'm not gonna give you another chance", she stared.

Ethan just look at her, "Sera, just listen-", he begin again. His voice choose either begging or demanding.

"And I don't want to", Sera cut him again.

The woman is about to turn and leave him, but Ethan grab her hand firmly.

Sera is shocked by his action, but keep herself calm to prevent creating any scene in the streets.

She look back at Ethan who still keep his eyes on her.

Sera don't know what to do. she could just leave but he still firmly hold her hand, giving her no sign to let go.

Just then, a hand grab Sera's grabbed hand's wrist.

Both Ethan and Sera look at who is it.

It was a man, who stood behind Sera with his arm extended pass her.

"Dillian", Sera whisper, feeling relief wash over her that he's there.

"Sorry, but she's not gonna stay with you any longer", the male agent stated clearly.

Dillian place his free hand on Sera's shoulder to pull her close to him, and causing Ethan to let go of her.

The blonde man eyed him, "who the hell are you?", he ask sharply.

Dillian eyed him back, giving no sign of hesitation.

"Sera's friend".

The woman is caught off guard to hear that. She glance at Dillian over her shoulder with she slightly blush.

"And I'm her boyfriend", Ethan stated.

Sera instantly look back at the blonde man, she open her mouth to say something but Dillian beat her to it.

"More like ex-boyfriend", Dillian snapped causing Sera to look back at him, "if I recall correctly you're the one who cheated on her", he said, his eyes sharpened at the blonde, "why want her back now?", he ask.

Ethan didn't say anything, he clutches his teeth in annoyance.

"I guess we're done here", Dillian stated clearly.

He grab Sera's hand and walk away from the blonde.

Sera didn't bother to look back at Ethan, her eyes just keep looking at Dillian.

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