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1 weeks later

Jail cell

"Fuck, man!" As Marco sits on the bed hearing he will be doing 3 years.

"We gone be straight bro," Steven says. 

"3 Years bro.  It ain't much time but that's still a long ass time"

"You think about it too much.  We do the time,  focus we gone be out" Steven said

"What about Raven bro?"

"Bro! " Steven said sitting up on the bed. 

Shelly comes knocking on the bars with her stick.  "Hey boo," She said

"Shelly nobody ain't got time for your shit," Steven said

"And I wasn't talking to you.  Now was I?  Marco! " Shelly said calling his name. 

"What? "

"I'll be seeing you later," She said walking away.

"Bro I'm not trying to deal with that shit," Marco said

"Then don't. But she gone take advantage of you while you in here.  So watch her" Steven said

"Bitch will follow us to the next state if she has to. "

"LET GO! " A male officer can be heard yelling. 

They open the cell letting them out.

"Long time no see" Man can be heard saying behind Marco

He turns around looking at Ace. 

"What's up? " Marco said

Ace steals off Marco.  They get to fighting and Steven jumps in.  The officers came up hitting them all with sticks.  They grabbed Steven and Marco sending them to the hole.

Marco sits there thinking about Raven.  He was so mad he was locked up not being able to see his girl for a while unless she visited. 

The store!

Raven decided she and Naomi should go out and shop together since she had barely been out. 

"So I was thinking we should go into real estate together," Raven said picking out her fruits

"That comes with lots of money"

"And that we do have.  I was thinking about buying a house fixing it up and selling it"

"Raven, how we gone get money to even get everything for the house?"

Raven grabs her shoulders turning her towards her "We have the money.  You being my sister.  We are set for life" She said

"Set for life? " Naomi said looking at her.

"Yes.  I just want you to be my partner in this"

"Can I think about it first?  Cause I just called the hospital downtown and I can start by next week.  Nursing is what I love to do" Naomi said

"Look.  you follow your dreams.  I'm not stopping anything you love doing.  It was just a question. You can just help me find houses then and I do the rest while you are a nurse"

"Now that sounds better" Naomi said smiling. 

"I knew I'd be seeing that beautiful face again" A man's voice can be heard saying. 

Raven turns around seeing Lloyd.  "Oh hey"

"How have you been since the last time we've...

"Yeah.  I'm sorry about that" Raven said

"hi I'm Naomi her sister"

"Y'all look alike so I figure. And you don't have to apologize for that night.  A man saw his woman on another man.  I'll be the same" he said smiling. 

"Well he wasn't my man at the time"

"So you still single? " he asked

"No, I'm not.  I'm with that very same man" Raven said laughing. 

"Awe okay.  Well I hope to see you around" Llody said

Raven looks at him as he walks away. 

"Okay, so who is he?"

"I used to work at this diner when I moved here a year ago.  And he came in giving me 500 in tips.  Flirting with me" Raven said laughing.

"500? Damn.  I might need to go to the diner"

"Me and you both will be getting money back and forth.  But yeah that's where we met.  Then he saw me at the club.  Ask to dance.  Marco saw it and went off"

"He seems like the type"

"Oh, girl.  He is something else when it comes to me"

Naomi smiles changing the subject.  "You think if none of this happened in our life we would ever meet each other? " she asked

"If I'm being honest.  The way our father was.  No.  Is crazy how everything happened within a blink of an eye."

"Never expect my life to turn out like this.  I mean Mom and i was just getting along.  She was pregnant and all by him.  I really hate that man"

"Me and you can agree on that one.  And I'm sorry about your mother and sister.  I know exactly what you're going through"

"We both are sorry for everything that happened to us.  Now we have to live a night mare."

"A night mare we both can get over in due time," Raven said as they continue to shop. 

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