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2 days later Quan,  Kam,  Marco, and Steven driving smoking vibing.  "Aye me and Naomi might get married"

"No lie.  I'm happy for y'all.  Good girl bro" Steven said

"She everything man.  I'm happy for myself"

They stop at a red light.  Steven is driving, while Quan is in the passenger seat, and Marco and Kam are in the back.  Marco hits the blunt passing it when a car pulls up shooting inside the car.  Steven sped off.  "Y'all GOOD? " He yells

"Bro" Marco said holding his side and looking at Kam

Kam notices his hands are bleeding.  Marco begins to moan in pain shedding a tear falling over.  Kam lay him straight "BRO.  BRO COME ON MAN" Kam said taking his shirt off and applying pressure to his side. Marco starts going in and out "BRO LOOK AT MY MAN.  DO CLOSE YOUR EYES"

Quan hops in the back helping Kam.  Seeing him crying.  "GO MAN! " Quan said to Steven even though he going 80mph.  "You my nigga man.  You got a son bro.  Look at me"

"My son.  Raven" Marco said trying to get up "Call my baby man"

"Lay bro! " Quan said

Marco moans in pain losing consciousness.  Steven pulls up to the hospital running in to get the nurse while Kam and Quan help Marco out.  They put him on the stretcher rushing him to surgery. 

Hours later Raven pulls up at home seeing Danny,  Eve, and Naomi's car there. Naomi kept the baby while she worked so she knew why she was there. Raven walks into the house seeing Eve play with King.

"Hey y'all," Raven said smiling. 

They didn't give off any expression.  "Hey," Danny said getting up. 

Raven looks at all of them. "What's wrong? " Raven said going from smiling to serious.

"Let's just go," Naomi said

"Naomi, what's wrong? Eve? " Raven asked.

"Come on, " Eve said grabbing her shoulder

Raven didn't move "What is it? I'm not moving until somebody says something"

"It's Marco," Danny said

"What's wrong with him? " Raven asked folding her arms.  They ain't say anything just looked at each other "Hello? "

"He was shot.  They don't know if he'll make it"

Raven stood there dropping her purse. She starts breathing heavily "Let's go," She said grabbing her son. They rushed in Raven's car as Naomi drove.  "No! no no no no no" Raven said shaking her leg

Naomi touches her leg seeing her look out the window about to cry "Please tell me he's okay" Raven said

They pulled up 30 minutes later.  Raven rushed in while Naomi got King.  She walks through the lobby to the back seeing Kam,  Quan, and Steven get up.  Raven keeps walking trying to find Marco.  Steven gets up going after her "Don't! " Raven said pointing her finger at Steven still walking. 

"Raven," Steven said

"Don't fucking touch me " She said still looking. 

"Excuse me you can't be back here," A nurse said

Raven kept walking ignoring both of them. She walks back into the operating room "Raven! " Steven said seeing Quan and Kam behind them.  Raven begins opening up every curtain until she sees him.  "Raven! "

Raven pulls back this curtain seeing Marco on the table getting surgery. She walks up slowly but gets pulled back by Steven "NO!  NOOOOOOOOOO.  GET OFF ME! " Raven said seeing him on the table with tubes in his mouth

"Raven! " Steven said holding her as she fell. Security comes in.  "I got her," Steven said

"Get OFF ME! " Raven said swinging. "Just let me see him," she said starting to hyperventilating.   "MARCOOOO! " She screams crying. 

"Come on help me, bro," Steven said talking to Kam And Quan.  They walked over picked Raven up carrying her out. 

"GET OFF ME! " Raven said stealing off Kam than Quan.  She gets up standing there walking back and forth crying getting on her knees. Putting her head and her hands.

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