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Weeks flew by, and I wasn't in a place where I could think past what was going on with my dad, much less what wasn't going on with July and I— I hadn't told anyone how severe the situation had become with my father, because I'm not quite sure I un...

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Weeks flew by, and I wasn't in a place where I could think past what was going on with my dad, much less what wasn't going on with July and I— I hadn't told anyone how severe the situation had become with my father, because I'm not quite sure I understood it myself.

My stepmom was having trouble with it, understandably, but without Dad's valid input, I had no one.

I put July out of my head. I put that night away. It was too much. She never even knew why I was late, and with everything she listed going on that night at the party, how could I blame her for getting tanked? She probably thought I wouldn't show, even though I had a solid reason for being late. I simply wasn't ready to talk about my dad. I couldn't make it real for anyone else when it was not yet real for me.

I knew July was hurting, and I knew I could potentially hurt her again with my silence. It was fight or flight, and I had to fly and fight for my dad. There wasn't room for my feelings for anyone else. I knew this logically, yet night after night, in the late hours of my evening... I would weigh out the situation and our actions. I don't think I'd watched football replays as much as I replayed, well, us.

I hadn't asked, but Lynn told me about the Spencer resolve. She didn't say who it was at the Tomlin party nor who Spencer's "buddy" was, but it wasn't hard to guess. I weighed that pressure into July's situation. The idea that she held that in for so long while I was flaunting Natalie in front of her, and how Devin had fueled that situation to start something with July. It was a lot for someone to go through, and there were so many other things I didn't yet know she was facing.

Then, I factored in mine. My knee, my dad, and everything I lost that Spring semester.

Only, fuck if she wasn't the only thing that made it better! I ran to her in a crisis in the office that day, and she was the only one I wanted to see after that when things turned upside down with coach. I didn't know it at the time, and still, it seems ludicrous our trajectories crossed paths that day. Even more so that I unknowingly relied on it.

My best friend was standing there. Reagan, another friend for life was standing in arms reach, and I latched on to the only one I wanted to stand by me in the moment. It was automatic. As uncertain as my behavior had been toward July, I never question the certainty of how much I wanted her. I questioned the why often, usually  to talk myself out of pursuing her, but I never questioned whether it was real or not. 

So F*cking Special: 1996 (Book 1, The So F*cking Special Series)Where stories live. Discover now