Chapter II: Suspicions are high

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The time is now 12:00 p.m. and Sam shoots awake like she was in a nightmare. She looks around and sees she's still in Tara's hospital room and still sees Tara asleep before letting out a sigh of relief. She looks over to where Richie was and sees he's watching something on his phone, and due to all the moving he's doing she believes he's watching a horror movie.

Richie gets the feeling someone is looking at him and looks around the room and sees that Sam is looking at him and sees the look of panic on her face

Richie: "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks in a worried tone

Sam: "Yeah I'm alright, I need to use the bathroom." She says as she heads to the door

Richie: "alright I'll stay here with Tara while she sleeps to make sure nothing happens to her." He says before getting an uneasy feeling like someone is looking at him ready to kill him

Sam notices his disturbance and questions him before walking out

Sam: "You doing okay? You look like you felt death." She chuckles as she walks out the door and heads to the bathroom

On the way to the bathroom Sam walks past the front desk and the sleeping deputy beside it who was tasked to watch over Tara.

We cut to Sam washing her hands and as she looks up at the mirror she sees her father Billy Loomis looking at her with a smile filled with evil intentions.

We cut to Sam washing her hands and as she looks up at the mirror she sees her father Billy Loomis looking at her with a smile filled with evil intentions

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Billy: "How you doing, Sam? Pills aren't working how they're supposed to?"

Sam ignores him and dries her hands before heading to the door

Billy: "You can't run from who you are Sam." He says knowing he's getting her attention

Sam: "I always have and always will." She's almost at the door before Billy finally says something that gets under her skin

Billy: "When are you going to tell them? Tell her?" He says knowing that she has a soft spot for her sister.

Sam turns around and goes back to the mirror before glaring at her father

Sam: "tell who?" She knows who he is talking about but wants to confirm if she's correct

Billy: "Your sister Tara. When are you gonna tell her the reason your family is a mess and why you left." He chuckles evilly and is cut off by Sam's phone ringing

Sam sees that it's Amber calling and picks up the phone thinking it's an emergency

Sam: "Is everything alright Amber?" She asks quickly happy that she has a distraction from her father.

???: "This isn't Amber" Sam nearly drops her phone at the voice and looks around the room

Sam: "who is this" she asks hoping that it's someone pranking her

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