First post!

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Well I'm not sure what to say,

Hi! I'm Moona and I'm an Eurasian wolf therian and I am also in the okami kodama pack.

I will be posting random things that are happening in my life and most of them will be to do with therianthrope.

Please enjoy this :)

**If you need to know what a therian is then read this**

A therian is a human who has the belief that their body and soul is that of an animal. This can also be that they have a spiritual connection with a certain animal, this is called their theriotype.
These therians have the ability to mental, phantom and dream shift. This is where you theriotype takes over your body and it makes you feel closer and as if you are your theriotype fully, until you see yourself in the mirror :(,
Therian's theriotype a are ones who live in this earth,
Otherkin's theriotypes are those of mythical creatures.
**Please do not get therianthropy confused with teen wolves or werewolves!**
"So you think you're a wolf?"
• No we are wolf therians and we believe we have the inside hearts and souls, and sometimes minds, of wolves. Some of us also feel as if in a past life they were a wolf.

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