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So this weekend I went camping to the green caravan park in Shrewsbury. It was really great fun! On the first day we got there we went around the campsite a little bit and explored the river running through the field.

On day two me, Jem and Daisy (a non therian) went on a walk and it was a walk where we had no idea where we were going, all we knew was that we wanted to go to the top of the massive hill. We got up there and me and jem shifted, it was the first time I'd shifted in the countryside and it felt magical. There were two peregrine falcons circling above us I growled at them. I kept getting drawn to the biggest tree at the top and as I slowly made my way up there, I saw a flock of sheep! As I was in my wolf form I had the determination to go and hunt but luckily my human head took over and stopped me, I slowly backed away from them and ran back down the hill in a very confused and weirded out state, we left after that back down to the campsite. We really wanted to go to the woods that we had seen on the other side of the valley as when we went up the hill we saw the whole valley and it was amazing!
That's all really, until next time

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