Therian opinions,

703 21 15

People say they're therians, I think not. I don't really care what people say, there cannot be this many therians in my area. Most therians in the world are not true. For instance one person said to me over Instagram that they were giving up the whe therian thing. YOU CANNOT JUST GIVE IT UP, it doesn't work like that. I'm sorry if this seems like I am being angry but the truth is, people need to stop claiming to be therians and not stick to it or express their therianthropy. Also people need to get their facts right, you are awakened, you do not become a therian. You connect with your theriotype even when you don't think you are, people who are therians have involentary shifts especially in natural environments. You don't always need to do an organised shift. Sorry that one always annoys me. Also therianthropy is not complicated, you either believe in you, that you are an animal on the inside and that's that.
Sorry if this has been a horrible rant,


P.s. I don't mean to offend anyone in any way! :)

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