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It was nighttime, and the gang was fighting the Highbreed, who crashed into the road and started a fire. The Highbreed turned to find two humans, who just so happened to be Ben's parents, looking at him in fear, and before he could do anything, Gwen threw mana discs at him, giving the adults time to run. Aria throws shadow blasts at the Highbreed, blinding him for a second, then she wraps a shadow tendril around his foot and pulls it, throwing him. The Highbreed recovers, grabs a vehicle, and throws it at the teens, who dodges it. Ben makes it over in time and transforms. "Swampfire!" The Highbreed stares down at the three teens, not noticing Swampfire behind him. "I grow weary of your pathetic human interference." He says, grabbing a pole, which he was going use to hit the teens, but when he reeled it back, Swampfire melted it. The Highbreed looks back only to get kicked by Swampfire. "You guys okay?" He asks. "Nice to see you. You working flex hours now?" Kevin asks. The group hears stomping behind them, and when Swampfire turns to look, he gets knocked away by the Highbreed. The Highbreed walks up to Swampfire and looks down at him. 

"No final words Tennyson? Still reeling from the augmented power of my new form, no doubt." He asks and is about to step on Swampfire when Kevin chimes in. "If you're saying you're uglier, you get no argument here." Kevin says. "I defeated Tennyson. What chance does the likes of you?" The Highbreed asks. "Unlike Tennyson, I'm actually a full alien." Aria says from behind the Highbreed. The Highbreed turns back and finds Aria above him with an energy blast. "Bye-bye." She tells him with a smile, throwing the blast at him. Aria lands beside Gwen and looks at the crater that she made. The Highbreed flies out and looks at the teens. "You've already wasted far too much of my valuable time. I'll do with you at my leisure." He says and flies away. "Kevin! Aria! Ben's still down!" Gwen says, running to her cousin with the two following. Swampfire detransforms and Ben stands up, rubbing his neck. Kevin laughs when seeing the boy.

 "Oh, man!" He says, laughing. "What?" Ben asks, confused. "That Highbreed gave you a black eye. I like him better already." Kevin tells him, still laughing and crossing his arms. "Are you all right?" Gwen asks. "I'm fine." Ben replies. "No, you're not." Aria says walking over to him. "I just wanna know where the Highbreed went and what he's up to." Ben informs, Aria cups his cheek and places a hand over his black eye, healing him as best as she can. "That way." Gwen points behind him. "The waterfront." Ben pulls away from Aria and looks back. "And he looked like a man on a mission." Gwen tells him. "We'll meet at the wharf after dinner and homework." Ben instructs. "Should I floss, too?" Kevin asks. "Your parents aren't gonna be too happy when they see that eye. What are you going to tell them?" Aria asks Ben. "Not to worry. My folks believe anything I tell them. I got this covered." Ben reassures her. "If you say so." Aria sighs.


Gwen, Aria, and Kevin were now at the wharf. Aria stood beside Gwen who was going through a computer and Kevin was on the phone with Ben. "Uh, he said he'd call back." Kevin tells the girls. "Look at this." Gwen tells Kevin who looks at the computer. "The logbooks show all these freighters as frequent visitors bringing in goods and shipping out local products." Gwen shares. "So?" Kevin asks. "This ship, the Eustacia Vye, is an unregistered tanker from the island of Castoon." Aria explains. "Where they used to do nuclear testing." Kevin says and the girls look at him. "It was in the historical channel." He defends. What would Bellwood be importing from Castoon? And if it is connected to the Highbreed, what would the aliens want with it?" Gwen asks. "Ask them." Kevin replies, pointing to the DNAliens. Kevin absorbs stone from the ground, and he and the girls run at the aliens attacking them.

Aria and Gwen fended off the DNAliens while Kevin called Ben again. "Yeah?" The brunette answers. "Uh, hate to bother you, but we got a problem!" Kevin tells Ben, punching the aliens that charge at him. "You've got problems? My parents found out about the Omnitrix. I'm not allowed to use it." Ben shares. "Folks mad at you, huh? Sounds rough. By the way, we're getting it handed to us by the DNAliens!" Kevin shouts. "Okay. I'm coming." Ben tells him. The teens continued fending off the aliens waiting for Ben but he never showed up, so Aria decides to call him. "Hello?" Echo Echo answers. "Where are you?" Aria asks. "We're in trouble over here!" Aria tells him as she and her friends run away from the aliens. "And a lot of DNAliens." Kevin adds. "Okay. Aim the phone at them." Echo Echo tells her. Aria looks at her friends confused but turns her phone to the DNAliens. Echo Echo lets out a sonic scream, which goes through the phone and knocks the aliens back. "Who is this?" Aria hears from the other side of the calls, the girl's eyes widen, and she hangs up. "Lately, it seems like Ben's just phoning it in." Gwen says.


Aria and Gwen walked into the house only to find Gwen's parents waiting by the door with their arms crossed. "Uh, is something wrong?" Aria asks. "Yes, something is indeed wrong." Frank tells her. "Going out and fighting aliens, what are you two thinking?" Natalie asks. "We weren't out fighting aliens." Gwen denies. "Don't lie, Sandra called us and told us everything about how you Ben, and that Levin kid were fighting aliens." Natalie chimes in. "Who said I was fighting aliens, I was at Sam's..." Aria trails off, seeing the glare Natalie throws her way. "Now I get that you both have superpowers but that doesn't mean you're supposed to risk your lives." Frank reasons. "We aren't risking our lives." Aria tells him. "I don't care what you're doing, you're both grounded." Natalie tells the girls. "Mom." Gwen whines. "I said you're grounded, now go to your rooms." Natalie orders. The girls groan, and Gwen walks to her room while Aria floats behind her. "Walk." Frank tells Aria, who looks at him and begrudgingly walks to her room, mumbling along the way.


Aria lay on her bed thinking about how she's gonna get back at Ben when Gwen comes into her room. "What is it?" She asks. "Group call." Gwen tells her. Aria sighs and gets off her bed, following Gwen into her room. "All right I'm here." Aria says, leaning beside Gwen. "I can't get a grip on the wall. Uh-oh. Company." Kevin says from the other side. "Kevin? Is that you?" Gwen asks.

Kevin tries climbing out of the goo who was in but fails and leans against the wall when DNAliens comes to check what happened. "Absorb something and bust out of the tank." Ben advises. "Absorb what? Stink?" Kevin asks. "What's your phone made of?" Aria asks. "Titanium. Why?" Kevin asks. "That's your answer." Aria tells him. "Oh." Kevin says in realization. "Guys, I think I know what Kevin is swimming in. According to wifipedia, Castoon has only one export-- bat guano." Gwen shares. "Ew." Aria grimaces. Kevin breaks out of the tank and puts the phone back up to his ear. "What's guano?" He asks. "Evidently, the berries on the island are radioactive from the nuke testing years ago. When they're eaten by the bats, the resulting waste is the rarest isotope in the world." Gwen explains.

"Ugh!" Kevin groans. "The radiation is so mild, however, it would take a lot of it to constitute a threat." She adds. "Gwen, how much can that freighter carry?" Ben asks. "About 50,000 tons." Aria answers before Gwen can. "Guys, I could use a little help." Kevin says, but then the call is cut off. "So..." Aria looks at Gwen. "Guess, we're not gonna be able to do anything." Gwen tells her. "Let's just hope Ben's able to deal with it." Aria says. "Yeah." Gwen agrees. "You got any movies on that?" Aria asks. "I do." Gwen nods and smiles over at Aria. "Then let's watch a movie." 


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