The Vengeance of Vilgax (1)

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Kevin charged at the snake only to get knocked back. Gwen runs in and puts up a shield when the snake hits her and is thrown back, and Kevin once again gets knocked away. Aria throws energy discs at the alien, and some hit it, but he dodges the rest. The snake grabs her and pulls her to him. "Let go!" She shouts. The snake hisses and attempts to bite, but she grabs his mouth with her hair. Aria glares at the snake and shoots an energy beam from her eyes at him, making him drop her. "You okay?" Gwen asks, running to the girl. "Just peachy." Aria replies. "I thought snakes were supposed to rattle before they strike." Gwen tells the alien. "I'm not a rrrattle sssnake." The alien tells her. "Whatever. I was just making conversation." Gwen tells it and throws mana discs at him, which he dodges. Kevin tackles it before it can get the girls. "I was looking for some metal to absorb." Kevin tells them. "You could've asked me. I could've made it." Aria tells him.

"I'll keep that in mind." Kevin replies, and he tries punching the snake, but it dodges him. "Hold still!" He shouts. The snake spits venom in his face and knocks him away. It tries attacking him again, but Gwen blocks it with a wall. "Back off!" She tells it. "Snake venom burns!" Kevin shouts, rubbing his eyes. "Water incoming!" Aria warns, shooting pressurized in his face. The snake tries attacking Gwen, but she puts up a wall to block him. "I swallow my prey whole." The alien threatens. "Who asked?" Aria asked, shooting shards of crystals at it. "You okay, Kevin?" Aria asks, slapping the alien around using air. "I will be as soon as I armor up." Kevin replies and absorbs the stone. "This would be a lot easier if Ben was here like he promised. An hour ago." Gwen points out. Aria watches Gwen struggle to wrap mana around the alien's hand. Kevin grabs the alien's other arm. "I guess that fancy watch of his doesn't give good time." Kevin says.

Vines reach out from the ground and wrap around the arm Kevin held. "Where is he anyway?" Aria asks. "I'm gonna call him." Gwen says, putting up a shield. She pulls out her phone and dials her cousin's number. "Yeah? Hello?" Ben answers. "Ben. It's your cousin, Gwen." The red-haired says from the other side of the call. "Uh-huh." Ben hums in response. "Is this a bad time?" Gwen asks. "Yeah, kinda. There's going to be a Sumo Slammers movie, and I'm waiting to see if the commercial's coming back on." Ben tells her. "Well, I'm really sorry to disturb you, Ben. I-it's just that you're late for our mission, and the bad guy is kicking our butt." Gwen says, referring to Aria, who got captured, and Kevin, who was getting slammed against the shield.

"So if it's not too much to ask, her up and get over here!" Gwen shouts. "Uh, sorry Gwen. Guess I just forgot." Ben replies. "Now!" Gwen shouts one last time before hanging up. The snake throws Aria into the shield, causing it to break and for the white-haired girl to take the red-haired down with her. "Sorry." Aria apologizes, helping Gwen up. "No bi-- get down!" Gwen grabs Aria and ducks to avoid Kevin, who was thrown at them. Gwen puts up a shield, and the alien breaks it, knocking her back. Aria shoots crystal shards at the alien, but it knocks her away. Kevin tries fighting it, but it punches him and breaks the stone off his face. Jetray flies over and transforms into Cannonbolt. "About time you got here!" Kevin tells him. "There's going to be a Sumo Slammers movie." Cannobolt tells the boy. "Really? Live action?" Kevin asks, and the girls walk over. "Guys, focus! Bad guy on the loose." Gwen reminds them.

"It's not a problem, Gwen. Creeps like this, um... what's your name?" Cannonbolt asks, walking forward. "I am Ssserpent. The snake that walks like a man." Ssserpent slithers forward and crosses his arms. Cannonbolt rolled into a ball and ran Ssserpent over until he was unable to get up. "Is it okay if I call you, Roadkill? The snake that only made it halfway across the street?" Cannonbolt asks, and Ssserpent groans in response and faints. "I'll take that as a yes." Cannonbolt says. Aria, Gwen, and Kevin run over to him as he detransforms. "That didn't take long." Ben says, and his friends glare at him. "Not for you, but we've been fighting him for over an hour." Aria tells him. "Oh." Ben says. "Oh? Where were you?" Gwen asks. "Watching some TV and getting another medal." Ben says with a smug smile. "That reminds me. I should get some kind of trophy case." He says to himself. "You are so full of yourself lately." Gwen tells him. "What's the big deal? I got here, and I took out the bad guy for you." Ben points out, and Gwen stops away, with Aria and Kevin following. "What?" He questions.

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