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I was running and I didn't know where. The sound of my feet hitting the floor was the only thing I was aware of. I couldn't stop running. What was I running to? Or from? Am I in danger? I don't even recognise my surroundings. Everything is a blur.

I hear a voice. A voice calling to me. "Y/N!" It's getting closer. It seems familiar, but strange at the same time. 

"Who is it?" I try to call out, but nothing does. I have no voice. My legs are starting to hurt and I see what seems to be a small house. It looked like a farmhouse, but it seemed very old. The paint was chipped and the windows were shattered. I stopped running in front of this house and suddenly became controlling of my own movements.

As I walked up the steps, my hand on the wooden rail, I regained enough consciousness to remember that this house used to once be my home. When I was very, very, little.

The very faint noise calling my name seemed to disappear as I walked cluelessly up the porch. When I twisted the front door's doorknob, it fell out of place. I pushed open the door with the force of my shoulder and it broke down completely.

I slowly take a large step inside and take in my surroundings, fanning the dust away from my face. It looks like nobody has touched this place in years. Dust and rubble gathered all over the floor, on top of the furniture and scattered across the window ledges. The sunlight shining through the ripped curtains gave me light to notice a door on the other side of what seemed to be a living room.

As I was walking towards it, I heard a clank from inside. My military instincts kicking in, I hid next to the door and grabbed a shattered glass piece from a nearby table, holding it close to my chest. My breath calmed from ragged to smooth as I closed my eyes, kicked the door down and yelled "Who is there!?", holding the shard as a gun. "Reveal yourself now and I won't hurt you.."

"As if you could ever hurt me, princess.." Came a voice I never thought I'd hear again. 

"What the hell are you doing here? How did you get here?" Came my shaky voice. I pointed the piece of glass to where his voice came from; a shadow in the corner of the room.

"Darling, I think you forgot I live here." Out from the darkness he emerged, his devilish features and oppressive smirk. He took slow, graceful steps towards me as I held onto the piece of glass harder, making my palm bleed.


"Take one step closer and I swear to God, I'll kill you." I threatened half-heartedly through gritted teeth. I took a step back as he took a step forward.

"Sweetheart, I am Death. You can't kill me!" He laughed maniacally, full of no humour. The kind of laugh someone from an insane asylum would laugh, someone like Jack Napier. "Kill me? Darling, you forget I'm the reason you know everything you know."

"I hate this house, and I hate you. Leave me alone"

"You say that yet you are the one who came barging in in the first place. Might I ask, what are you doing here?" He folds his arms in front of him as I gulp. 

I don't know how I came here, all I remember was.. "Running,"

He looked at me in a perplexed manner. "Excuse you?"

"I was running and.. I heard someone calling my name."

"Darling, are you alright?" He walks closer as I flinch the glass blade up to his throat. 

"One step closer and I swear to fucking God, you're dead meat. I hate you and I won't hesitate to slice your face off." I yell. He only raises an eyebrow and tilts his head, the hint of a smirk forming at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you get it? You and me... we're the same." He laughs, raising his arms in the air.

"No. Do you know what the difference is between us? I don't prey on the weak."

He bows his shaking head, laughing. "Oh darling, how else will they know they're weak if we don't show them?"

"Stop calling me that. I said it already, I hate you. Just, shut up and leave me alone, dad!" I scream.

He doesn't like that one bit. "Oh, now you're fucking dead, Y/N. You hear that Y/N? You're dead!" He starts running closer to me before I jolt awake, panting and covered in sweat.

"Y/N." I look up to see Ghost. He's in my room and his hands are hovering over me. "I don't know what happened, you were screaming. I was trying to wake you up but nothing worked. What the fuck was that about?"

Despite the pitch blackness, I can see my alarm clock reading 3:21AM in big red letters.

"What was- what was what about?"

"Your screaming! You scared the shit out of me, I thought someone was in the fucking room!" He whisper-yelled.

I flinched away. "Screaming?"

He put his hands in his pockets and backed up, ducking his head to stare at the floor. "Yeah, screaming. I thought something fucking happened to you, Y/N."

I looked at him softly, the only light available being the moonlight. "Simon, I'm fine. Thank you for worrying over me, it was just a bad dream."

He sat down beside me on the floor. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked me. "Can you talk about it?"

"I don't really think so.. Just go back to bed, Simon. I'm fine." He doesn't move an inch, just staring at me with his crystal-blue eyes. Sighing, I comply to his offer and sit down cross-legged on my bed. "Fine, I'll tell you. But not a word of this leaves the room, got it?"

In an eager nod, he nudges himself forward a bit, splaying his hands behind him like a child. 

I sigh, placing my hands in my laps. "Okay, so, you know how none of us at base really talk about our personal lives? Well, except for Soap. John would take any chance to remind us he grew up with a bunch of sisters.

He chuckles lightly. "Gotta give it up to Johnny; poor man."

"Yeah, well, basically, this dream was about my dad."

He leans in forward, eyebrows creasing in his forehead. "I don't remember much, just bits and pieces, but, I do remember that we ere in my old house. I haven't seen it or him for- I don't even know. Seven years, maybe? Yeah, seven. And he was just there, all in his creepy ways... And then I woke up."

The room is silent for a while, the sounds of crickets outside filling in the awkward silence. I wait patiently for an answer from him which I dread. Why am I even nervous about what he has to say about me? I don't care.

After what seems like hours but is probably just a few minutes, he says, "My dad was an asshole, too."

I look at him carefully, unaware of what he's going on about.

"He was a terrible man and an even terrible father, to me and my brother. I know what it's like to have them haunt you. Just because you joined the military as an escape, they still won't leave you alone."

This is the first time I've ever known he had a brother. First time he's ever talked to me or anyone about his personal life. "I didn't join the military as an escape." I said, slightly offended at his accurate statement.

"Even then, no matter what you entried for, your past never leaves you. Take it from me, I kicked my father out of the house and joined the military and that roach still finds a way to haunt me til' now."

Another void of silence fills the air, but this one with unmentioned emotion. I've opened to him and he's opened to me and now I'm feeling this strange tingle in my gut. I'm glad it's Simon I'm talking to and not someone else, because not everyone might get me. 

"I'm really glad you stayed the night, Simon." My soft voice says as I stare at him.

His icy-blue eyes bore into me. "I'm glad I stayed as well."

I LIKE THIS SO MUCH but like honestly u guys deserve more this is basically nothing cuz it's so short but like yeah I'm really sorry HOPE U ENJOY THO <33

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