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Theodore's Pov:

After Aliyah and I's, what seemed to be, almost kiss, we haven't really talked. We knew things were sorted out between us, but it would just be awkward to have any type of confrontation at the moment.

But, Merlin, we almost kissed. It felt so right to do it in the moment, until we were interrupted by Mr. Ginger twin. Obviously he had to ruin the moment.

Anyways, I've come to the realization that... All my jealousy of Al being with other guys, my protective behavior around her, it was all just me covering up the fact that I like her and denying my feelings.

Because I really, really, really do like her, a lot; however, would I ever tell her? Not likely, not until I get a hint that she likes me back. I wouldn't want it to be awkward and ruin our friendship.

Yet at the same time, I want her to know. I want her to know that I like her that way. She's so beautiful, funny, sarcastic and honest. I want her to know that.

During classes, I'd noticed she'd act a bit nervous or shy when looking at me which she started doing more often, becoming flustered even. It became a bit obvious when she'd start to stutter as she, Enzo and I were finishing off our Veritaserum in potions.

"We just need to stir it one last time and pour it into a vial" She read in the book, starting to stir the clear potion with slightly shaky hands. Enzo poured it into three vials, and we were finally done, asking Professor Slughorn if it was okay to use

"My my, I must say, I am very impressed" Professor cheered, "try it on somebody, could be funny" he chuckled before going to another group's table

Aliyah stormed into her locker room, livid after missing to block three goals while training. "It's fine, don't be so hard on yourself" I finally spoke to her, walking in behind her. "I'm not. Those were blocks that I easily could've made, but I got... distracted" she criticized herself, getting in the shower as quickly as possible.

I joined in, back to back as usual. "You did well, stop overthinking it." I chuckled, but she ignored it. After that we became totally silent. "Do you want to talk about it-", "No" she immediately replied. Did I do something wrong to upset her?

I was dressing up when Aliyah said something again. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten mad at you, I'm a total ass" she apologized. "It's okay, I get it... you were stressed out, it's fine" i smiled softly, standing up in front of her.

It was evident she became flustered, and I chuckled "What is it that distracted you if I may ask?". "Oh, it was nothing, don't worry about it" she sputtered out with her cheeks now turning pink.

"Well, listen, about last time..." I started, but didn't know how to finish my sentence as her  brown eyes stared right into mine. "Yeah?" She tilted her head innocently. Merlin, she's going to be the death of me.

"Aliyah, I..." I stammered "I don't know..." I slowly urged my face closer to hers in hopes of something, anything. So close I could smell the lovely aroma of her vanilla and mango perfume. "Yes?" She said barely above a whisper.

I placed a hand on her cheek and one on her waist "I don't know what's been happening to me lately..." I mumbled out, "Me either, Theo... every time I look or talk to I feel this... this feeling"

"With a little thought in the back of your mind..." I muttered, finally pulling her in for a soft kiss on the lips which she returned, slinging her arms around my neck.

It felt so soft, smooth, safe... As if I were kissing an angel. My hand made its way to her lower back, pulling her in closer as her hand made its way into my hair. The sound of our heavy breathing was heard as we slowly pulled away, eyes fluttering back open.

"That was..." Al fumbled over her words. "Was it your first kiss?..." I asked with a light chuckle and she nodded "Well that's surprising coming from you..."

There was a silence between us. "Uhm, I have to go... get ready for the picnic thing..." her nervousness took over her. "Yeah..." I said quietly, watching as she quickly walked out, face flushed.

I took the time walking back to my dorm to process what just happened. I kissed Aliyah. I was her first kiss. Still daydreaming in my thoughts, I entered my dorm and started dressing up.

It was all awkward during the picnic. Everyone was chatting together and Aliyah was really nervous. The entire time, she'd been whispering stuff separately to Daphne and Pansy, looking over at me every five minutes or so. God, did I mess up? Did she not like the kiss?

"Earth to Theodore" Blaise waved his hand in my face with a chuckle, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?". "Mate, you okay?" asked Enzo. "I'm fine" I pulled a cigarette out of my pocket and lit it.

"Theodore can I talk to you for a second?" Asked Mattheo. We stood up and walked a bit away.  He turned to face me "Something happened. You and Aliyah, what is it?" He immediately questioned.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about" I chuckled, lying to his face. "Theo, darling, you can't trick me. I've been overhearing the girls's conversation and they've been mentioning your name quite a few times"

"Really? What were they saying?" I played dumb. Mattheo rolled his eyes "Well obviously you know!" , "I don't, Matt. I swear"

He sighed "Theo, did you do something with my sister or not?"
"No. I didn't" I lied once more. "Do you swear?"

"Thedore, do you or do you not swear you did absolutely nothing with my sister in that way?" He demanded an answer.
"I swear..." I hesitated. "Thank you, that was all I needed" he walked back to the rest of the group.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Hopefully he does find out anything. It was just a kiss, right? She probably doesn't like me back. But does she? I think she does, but she doesn't

Merlin, she'll tell me if she likes me or not. Sooner or later she will, no need to overthink it.

1085 wc
This chapter is ehh
Have a History exam tmr😭😭

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