1. lock off

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— This chapter is from Chigiri’s POV. [Name]’s POV starts on next chapter >__<



The narrator of the match shouted as the referee blew out three long whistles, signaling the end of the game. Screams, sobs, and cheers could be heard from across the whole stadium. The Blue Lock players stood there in delight with their faces glowing in sweat, and most of them wore an indelible smile. This win meant reaching new heights in order to be the best strikers, and that the chosen path was not going to get any easier.

Staring from afar, in the bench there sat a young boy, of a lean and well-built, with burning red hair and deep magenta eyes that were welling up in helplessness. He wasn't mad at them more than he was at himself, with overwhelming thoughts that flowed at high intensity from watching the others celebrate; either high-fiving or jumping on each other’s backs. He thought that maybe if he hadn't had that ligament injury the previous year, his lower body would've been more resistant. And if he had resisted, he wouldn't have the need to be sat out of the most important match he had so far. Chigiri Hyoma wasn't part of the losing team and moreover, he made a great part of the team's success, so why does he feel so miserable?

His train of thoughts was interrupted by the sounds of loud steps coming from the players, it was time they were called to go to the dressing room for the “feedback”. He gave one last glare at the court before turning his back and directing to where the players reunite. Said dressing room looked as if a tornado had passed by and destroyed everything; shirts thrown around, lockers wide opened, trapped odor of sweat in the ambience and everybody running around like crazed chickens. Amidst the mess, Anri entered; her face completely wet from the tears and snot streaming down . “You guys…”

With sobs, sniffles and hiccuping in between, she said, “You guys did it! I’m so proud of you” slightly bowing to hide her red, tear-stained face. Soon enough the moment was abruptly stopped by Ego.

Chigiri mostly ignored his speech, except the last part involving Isagi and Rin. Before he could even get time to notice, Blue Lock Eleven was dismissed and free to go, but first they needed to go back to the facilities to pick up their belongings that were left there then leave for that well-deserved rest. Walking through the dim lighted halls, he suddenly felt two hands harshly gripping on his shoulders. “What’s up princess?” It was Otoya and Karasu; one on each shoulder looking smugly at him. “What do you two want?”

“Mind giving me that hottie’s number? y’know who” Now, there were three people who came to root for him; his mother, his sister and his friend, so he assumed he wanted his sister’s number first. “No,” he replied and released himself from their grip by swatting away both hands, “You gotta be ill to think I’d be letting you get close to my sister.”
“What? no no,don’t misunderstand me” Otoya frantically shaked his hands, “I’m talkin’ about the one with the [hair color] hair”

Chigiri’s mouth contorted into an O shape then into a flat line, “Ooh, you mean [Name]? that's still a no, sorry dude” he patted Otoya’s back and finally left the halls. “Don't worry buddy, I've already got her number cause I knew he'd say no ” Karasu, who stood behind the white haired boy, showed his palm with a phone number scribbled in black marker.

“Shush, I've my secrets, and I ain't gonna tell ya” he said as he placed his index finger on his lips in a silence motion.

.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ᯓ★୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ𓂃 ࣪˖

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