12. out of jail finally (2)

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The awkward effect eventually was worn off due to the outrageous, jaw-dropping news [Name] kept on stammering

"What??,, what do you mean that he was arrested" a flabbergasted Chigiri asked "Someome said he was caught for DUI AND i don't know how true it is but apparently the cops found weed in his car. I knew he was a lil too happy to be giving classes first hour in the morning"...

In summary, the overwhelming amount of info Chigiri gathered from [Name],

• Her mom fucking left lol (we cheered!)

• Once confirmed she was not coming back, [Name] sold almost all of the things her mom had forgotten

• She got fired from a Subways because she kept on eating all the damn cookies

• The math teacher was arrested, and the substitute looks like he's about to follow his steps

• Keisuke Wanima -the twin eliminated in the selection- came back to the school's team but wasn't received with open arms (Chigiri assumed [Name] jumped him)

• [Name] adopted a tuxedo cat she found in a box on her way to work, that makes a total of 3 cats at her house

• She also spent time at his house and learned some recipes from his mom

• Her class is growing a mold colony under someone's desk, every morning someone is in charge of feeding it. [Name]'s turn is on wednesdays. They also plan on using it for their upcoming biology project

• [Name] spent an oddly specific amount of to learn how to rip a watermelon with her bare hands

• A third-year girl got cheated on with another guy (no homo turned yes homo)

Until the girl had finally stopped talking ten to the dozen, they had some coffee with little, cute pastries. Though the former was definitely going to feel embarrassed about it the moment she places a foot inside her home, sliding with her back against the door until she sits on the floor, because how come she "took up all the space in a conversation and didn't let the other part speak"

In the other hand, her friend couldn't care less. Chigiri is a quite intense guy himself, so having someone as, or even more intense as him is a relief and looked forward for more moments like this before he has to come back to Blue lock.

Today's mission:
☐ restock my art supplies
☑ load song into the USB
☑ buy new guitar strings

Chigiri and [Name] parted ways after the café date because he was needed at home and his sister would not shut up about it. So now, we have a very confused [Name] reading her shopping list on her way to the art supplies store "ehm... acrylics, pencil blenders, white pencils, new watercolor brushes... bye when did I ruined my already overpriced materials?? what the fuckkk", she screamed mentally.

Sure, she could afford all of that with no problem but girly pop here is extremely cautious about spending her money. The type of person to count every single coin, stack 10 coins, tape them and repeat the process until a certain goal is met - at one point she had 40,000¥ by having 8 stacks of 500¥, talk about hyperfixated- most likely this parsimony was a projection from her mom's [neglectful] parenting.

Now that the older woman gone, she was free to buy whatever she pleased without being reprimanded, but it still took a toll on [Name]'s thoughts with a constant fight between 'ah, I bought all of this for myself? does my greed know no boundaries?' and 'All of this and more because I deserve it ♡'

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