Chapter no.81 In the Infirmary

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Dragon strode through the ANBU base, his mind churning with frustration.

"Fuck you, Danzo," he thought bitterly. It was unprecedented for him, a commander with forty years of experience, to check up on a recruit on their first day.

But Naruto Uzumaki was no ordinary recruit.

He pushed open the door to the ANBU infirmary bay and was greeted by Tiger and a female ANBU wearing a mask that closely mimicked the features of a barn owl.

The mask was intricately designed, its surface a blend of stark white and mottled grey patterns that captured the distinctive look of the owl's face.

"Report!" Dragon demanded without preamble.

"Recruit Naruto Uzumaki has passed out from the pain of having his muscle fibers turn pink," Tiger reported.

Dragon's brow furrowed, his hand almost raising in a reflexive desire to smack some sense into the situation—surely this had to be some sort of joke. Yet the tension in the room suggested otherwise.

"It is no joke, General," Owl interjected before Dragon could comment. "Recruit Naruto Uzumaki's physique has indeed changed to that of a pink muscle physique."

"How?" Dragon asked, his tone sharp.

"We don't know," Owl admitted, her voice steady despite the uncertainty of the situation.

"Speculations?" Dragon pressed, needing something to make sense of the inexplicable.

Owl took a deep breath before responding. "We theorize that Naruto Uzumaki's unique chakra might be influencing his muscle fiber transformation. It's possible that his chakra's properties could enhance the bioenergetic processes within his muscle cells, accelerating the conversion from Type I and Type II fibers to Type IIa. This would not only increase the density of mitochondria in his muscle cells but also enhance their capacity for both aerobic and anaerobic energy production."

Dragon absorbed her words, running them through his understanding of medical ninjutsu.

"And his health?" he asked next.

"What tests have been run? Are there any side effects?"

Owl responded, "We've conducted a full metabolic panel and muscle biopsies. So far, his vital signs remain stable, but his muscle enzymes are elevated, suggesting intense physiological adaptation. There’s also a noticeable increase in his cellular regeneration rate, likely a side effect of the accelerated muscle fiber transformation."

"Could this put him at risk?" Dragon queried, his concern evident.

"There is potential for metabolic overload if his body can't adjust to the new fiber composition," Owl explained.

"Long-term effects could include issues with muscle fatigue resistance and possibly accelerated aging of muscle tissue if not properly managed."

Dragon nodded, processing the information. "Keep him under observation. I want hourly updates on his condition. If there's any change, I want to know immediately."

"Understood, General," Owl confirmed, her voice resolute.

Dragon motioned for Tiger to follow him as they left the infirmary.

“Report how this situation came to be,” Dragon commanded, his voice firm.

Tiger explained, “Recruit was shown the warmer and I demonstrated the chakra muscle jutsu. He did some basic steps for the first attempt, and then he passed out from pain as if that first attempt led to the creation of pink muscles.”

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