Chapter no.149 Advice from the King

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[ Remaining Questions: 6 ]

"How?" Naruto muttered, trying to piece together the puzzle in his head.

He was sure he had asked just two questions: one about the nature of the system and another about the dungeons. Yet, the system had counted four.

Pondering, Naruto retraced his steps.

The question about the system's purpose, which the king hadn't directly answered, must have been counted by the system.

And then it hit him - his offhand remark about his friends being influenced by the system was also counted as a question.

"Tricky system," he thought.

Naruto eyed the king.

"You tricked me," he accused.

The king just chuckled, a sound that irked Naruto further.

"I merely answered your questions. Now, what will your remaining six questions be?" the king asked, his voice laced with amusement.

Naruto clicked his tongue in frustration. "Bastard," he thought bitterly.

However, the calming influence of the Mind of Nirvana helped him regain his composure.

Why did the system choose me?

How do skills work?

How do stats work?

Was it the system's doing, or was it all Tenten?

Can I trust the system?

He realized the gravity of his situation - so many burning questions, yet only six opportunities left to seek their answers.

Naruto inhaled deeply, knowing the weight of each question he chose to ask. He looked at the king.

"Why did the system choose me?" he finally asked.

As the King explained how the system chooses its users, Naruto listened intently. "The system has a peculiar way of selecting its players," the King began, "but there's a common thread among all of them. In their respective worlds, they are individuals capable of influencing large swaths of society. Even without the system's intervention, you, Naruto, were destined to achieve great things."

Naruto felt a mix of pride and curiosity at these words. It was flattering to hear he had the potential for greatness, system or no system. "So, without the system, I still could have chased my dream of becoming Hokage," he mused internally. "With the Kyubi's chakra and my own determination, I would've been a formidable ninja. The path to becoming Hokage would have undoubtedly led me to a position of significant influence."

But this revelation sparked more questions in Naruto's mind. "If system users like me are already destined for greatness, then why does the system choose us? Wouldn't it make more sense to pick someone less capable and elevate them to greatness?" he thought, pondering the system's mysterious criteria.

[ Remaining Questions: 5 ]

Naruto's eyes briefly flickered towards the system notifications, confirming he still had five questions left. A plan formed in his mind, a way to maximize the information he could extract from the King.

"You know, we can speed this process up," Naruto suggested with a hint of cunning in his voice.

The King raised an eyebrow, amused by Naruto's proposal. "Oh, is that so?" he replied.

"Yeah," Naruto continued, "we can change the rules a bit. I propose that instead of five separate questions, I ask just one. But in return, your answer has to be as detailed and comprehensive as possible." Naruto watched the King closely, gauging his reaction while simultaneously glancing at the system notification to ensure his proposal wasn't counted as a question.

[ Remaining Questions: 5 ]

A brief sigh of relief escaped Naruto's lips when he realized his statement hadn't reduced his question count.

The King pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Let's do this then," he said.

Naruto took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his decision.

[ System Notification: Contract Clause Modification by Party A ]

[ Contract Update: Modification to One-Clause Contract between "The Lone King Upon the Throne of Heavens" and Naruto Uzumaki ]

[ Modified Clause from Party A: ]

  - "The Lone King Upon the Throne of Heavens" proposes a change to the contract. Instead of five remaining questions, Party B (Naruto Uzumaki) may now ask only one question. In exchange, Party A's response to this single question will be provided with the utmost detail possible.

[ Current Progress: 5 out of 10 questions originally asked. Remaining Questions: 1 (as per modified clause) ]

[ Action Required: ]

  - Naruto Uzumaki is requested to ask his one detailed question as per the modified contract terms.

  - System Moderation will ensure the detailed response from Party A as stipulated in the modified clause.

Naruto took a deep breath, his heart pounding in anticipation. He was about to ask a question that could potentially change his entire approach to the system. Gathering his thoughts, he posed his carefully crafted question to the King. "If you were in my place right here, right now, how would you go about becoming as strong as possible? I mean, using the full capabilities of the system, from stats to items to feats?"

The King paused, his eyes narrowing slightly as if assessing the depth of Naruto's inquiry. Naruto could almost feel the King's gaze piercing through him, reading him like an open book. After a moment of contemplation, the King began to answer.

Naruto, feeling a mix of awe and disbelief, listened intently as the King laid out a step-by-step strategy for maximizing strength using the system's capabilities.

"First off," the King began, "I'd head straight to the system Shop and grab something called the 'Poor Man's Tamatebako'. It's a kind of jewel box that can spawn various objects, ranging from simple clothing to valuable dungeon keys. And it's all based on the user's luck."

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise. "A box that spawns items? That's insane!"

The King nodded. "Indeed. Next, I'd acquire a feat called 'Predator' from the shop."

Naruto interrupted, "Wait, you can buy feats at the system Shop?!"

"Absolutely," the King confirmed. "This particular feat allows a user to consume the corpses of enemies and gain something from their enemies like a skill or a bloodline trait. For example if you are Guren, you would probably gain her crystal release."

Naruto felt a chill run down his spine at the thought.

"Eat... enemies?" He shook his head, trying to process the information.

"Moving on," the King continued, "I'd invest in two key skills. The first is 'Nicholas Flamel's Alchemical Forge'. It enables you to concoct potions with permanent stat-boosting effects."

Naruto's mind reeled at the possibilities. "Potions that boost stats permanently? That's... incredibly powerful."

"The second skill is 'Three Eastern Spices: Red, Blue, Purple'. It's a potent skill, trust me on this."

Naruto nodded, trusting the King's judgment. "If you say it's powerful, then it must be."

"Lastly, and most importantly, I'd focus on developing my own martial form," the King concluded.

"Martial form?" Naruto echoed, curious.

"Yes," the King elaborated.

"Since I need to provide a detailed response and a martial form is unique to each person, I'll explain to you what a martial form really is," the King suggested, and Naruto nodded in agreement, eager to learn.


[ Author Note: Ok, so the only skill I haven't give an explanation on is; Three Eastern Spices: Red, Blue, Purple. Guess, what it is in the comments and give me your thoughts on the other skills, feats and items that the king recommended like Poor Man's Jewel Box, Predator Feat, Nicholas Flamel's Alchemical Forge. ]

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