The beginning of the change

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The lights go on in a dark and quickly a brunette girl covers her eyes. A blond man with a dark blue suit holds a document and sits down on a table and looks at the brunette girl for a second and finally he starts speaking."We're the monster prevention program,This is agent Artemis speaking,State your name please."
The blond who said all of this,his name is Artemis.he's one of the best agents in a service called the monster prevention program.the brunette takes a deep breath and is ready to speak."my name is Iris Rojen,I'm 15 years old and my height is 5.7 and-"."we already know that but do you know why you're here?" Artemis interrupted.Iris looked at Artemis in confusion and said "No I really don't know why I'm here,All I know is that I'm in a dark room and you're here."
Artemis looks at her for a second and looks at another table and walks towards it and grabs a remote from there.
"I'll explain why you're here."
Artemis then pushes the remote then a tv board shows up and it starts playing a footage and the first shot was a meteor going towards earth."50 years ago a strange meteor hit earth and inside that meteor was a bunch of monsters and after the meteor crashed the monsters flee and the strangest thing is that the monsters have been eating anyone that isn't 18, this includes toddlers babies teenagers children basically so the monster prevention program has been formed and we built multiple academies to transfer each 200 students there and you Iris Rojen will be attending to the biggest academy the program has made kasa academy." Artemis explains. Iris looks shocked and turns to Artemis."but my mom said that it's a myth and she isn't ok with me going to another school unless of course she's the one who's transferring me." Said Iris.
"This is not about your mother Iris,it's about your safety and no it's not a myth it's real." Said Artemis. "Well I think you're crazy,I don't think any meteor would contain aliens-" Iris was interrupted by a shush."I'm not crazy and get you get your hair dyed get new coloured eye contacts and here's your uniform and pack your things too." Artemis said as he gives Iris a blue uniform with a badge of a lion roaring and it was titled Kasa academy "I get about the packing and the new uniform but why getting my hair dyed and getting new eye contacts?"Iris asked."that's something I've been trying to get an answer too but none of that information matters right now but you get ready I'll see you at the sea deck by 6:30 pm." Said Artemis. Then Iris nodded knowing that her mom wouldn't get used to her daughter leaving her until she turns 18 to see her mom again.
It was 5:50 pm and Iris just finished packing and her mom was crying knowing that her daughter has to leave and she'll return when she turns 18. Iris leaves her room and her mom stops crying and is already on the 5th stage of grief
She hugs Iris and said "I hope you return home safe." Iris hugs her tightly."I hope the same and I love you mom."
"I love you too sweetie."
Iris left her home and is now on the sea deck at 6:18 and Artemis got here at 6:22
"You're surprisingly early Iris." Artemis said as he goes next to her waiting for their flying bus to arrive ."Artemis I read more about the book you gave me at kasa academy and it said here that you also have to get a new name and you'll go back to your old name at 18,so I'm thinking about some."said Iris.
"Really then?" Artemis asked.
"Yep, it's fawn Anderson." Iris said
"I really don't think it suits you."Artemis said. Iris took no time to think for a new one."Lily jordon." Iris asked.
Artemis shakes his head and Iris looks away in embarrassment and finally said.
"Asuka Erishima then?" Iris said? Artemis looks at her and said "yep it suits you."
"Alright then from now on until I'm 18 I'll be known as Asuka Erishima." She said proudly.eventually the flying bus arrive and Asuka is in shock."WHY DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT THIS FLYING BUS?!?!?!" Asuka shouted." Come on Asuka get in the bus." Artemis said as he gets in and Asuka hops in and it took off
5 minutes in the flight Asuka looks at Artemis and said "When are we getting to this academy."
Artemis replied "17 hours."
"Oh ok then." Said Asuka looking down and then she went to a window and looks in awe as her eyes show a shimmering ocean. And she says this again quietly so no one else could hear it but herself. "My name is Asuka Erishima and I'll be attending to Kasa academy."
17 hours later they arrive at a floating island with a huge school Asuka assumes that it's the school that she'll be attending to and when they arrive after the bus landed Asuka Artemis and the other new students get off the bus and walked their way in the school and Asuka looks at Artemis." You're a teacher?" She asked
"No I'm an agent I'm just having a meeting with the staff." Artemis said and they went inside.
And after they went in Artemis sighed in disappointment."hey Artemis didn't think you would show up." The vice principal said ."was thinking you wouldn't be here today Lillian." Artemis said."what are you doing here then." Lillian said getting frustrated. "I have a meeting with the staff about new weapons and rules!" Artemis said annoyed ."have fun also just so you know I'll be there." Said Lillian with a smirk on her face.
Artemis was getting mad but he decided to brush it off and head to the meeting
Lillian then turns to asuka and the other students are already on a tour "another new student what's your name?" Asked Lillian."Asuka Erishima." She replied.
"Age and height?" Lillian asked.
"15 years old and 5.7." Said Iris
After Lillian typed all of that out she printed a card and handed it to her and she grabbed her mic and said "AMY COLLEENS PLEASE COME TO THE OFFICE!"
Minutes later a girl with green and purple hair runs down to the office and stopped there to take a breath and then she looks at Lillian "hey miss Lillian,do you need anything?" She said.
"Yes Amy show this new student around and take her to her new class." Said Lillian
"Hey there my name is Amy colleens  I have a feeling that we'll be great friends." Said Amy shaking Asuka,s hand."Uh Asuka Erishima."she said."well let's go explore the school shall we?" Asked Amy."alright."asuka said and Amy grabbed her hand and they were on their way to explore the school and more than an hour later Amy finished touring asuka by showing her the cafeteria "this is the cafeteria,it has two floors mainly for the tables and the bottom floor is where the food is served,and there is a elevator to get to the top too and there are 6 bathrooms also." Amy said
Asuka was amazed of how huge the school is and then she was interrupted by Amy."what's your class card?" The green purple girl asked. Asuka hands Amy the card and she looks at it and she's disgusted and Asuka asks Amy to hand her card back and so she did and Asuka went to the bathroom Amy was mad for the fact that Asuka was going to be at upper floor class 2A and she thinks that class is extremely weird and she also bullies that same class. And then she sees a girl with yellow pink hair a cat headband and cat themed school accessories she smirked because that girl attends to upper floor class 2A and when that girl sees Amy she turns around and starts running and Amy starts chasing her and that moment Asuka just got out of the washroom and sees this and decides to follow Amy and when she did she sees Amy push the girl with a cat headband and she starts to ask of why she's doing this while she starts to cry."because you're a freak attending to that dumb upper floor class 2A you're extremely stupid and you know that." She said as she kicks the girl.this made asuka angry so she walks towards Amy and grabs her by the hair and yanked her out of the way and is in front of the girl with the cat headband on. "What are you doing Asuka why are you protecting that freak???" Amy said angrily. Asuka looks at Amy with rage in her eyes and said "I always been a freak even before I got here now leave her alone or you won't see the end of it."
Amy starts to laugh at her only to get punched in the face by Asuka.
She grabbed her face to stop the bleeding and then Asuka punched Amy again after the second punch tears start to flow from Amy's eyes "not even one day and I already start to hate you." Amy said shakily and Asuka said "now go before I make it worse."
Amy runs away and Asuka turns to the girl with a cat headband and asks her if she's ok."yeah I'm ok but I'm thankful that you protected me from that horrible person." Said the girl.
Asuka smiled warmly  and picked her up back on her feet "what's your name?" Asuka asks. "Oh my name is Aiu what's yours?" The girl responds.
"I haven't seen you before are you new here?" Aiu asks? "Yes I'm new here I'm just looking for my class." Asuka says
"What class are you supposed to go to?" Asked Aiu. "Upper floor class 2A." Said asuka  and Aiu's eyes went big and she is excited."you share the same class as me let's go there it's not that far away." Said Aiu as she grabs asuka's hand and they were at it and 15 minutes later they already arrived
"Alright Asuka we are here." Aiu said as she opened a door to a cheery and happy classroom Asuka was surprised and still couldn't understand why Amy bullies this class and when everyone turned to her they immediately welcomed her like she was their children so did the teacher
"Hey aiu is this the new student miss Lillian told me about?" Asked the teacher
"Yes miss bowmen, this is the new student that miss Lillian told you about."said aiu
"Hello there new one my name is miss bowmen,what's your name?"asked the teacher."my name is asuka erishima nice to meet you all and I hope we could all get along." Said the girl."hey asuka." Said the class. "So Asuka how about taking a empty seat next to aiu." Said miss bowmen. Aiu was excited to hear this information and Asuka accepted it so asuka walked to the desk next to Aiu and sat on it.Aiu looks at Asuka and whispered "I have a good feeling that we're going to be friends."
"Alright class since Asuka is the new student how about introducing yourselves to her so she can get to know about you." Said miss bowmen."hey how about you start first?" Miss bowmen asks a student with a stitched mouth and green hair in a low ponytail."no thanks I'll go last." That same student said with a smile on his face."I'll go first miss bowmen." A girl with blue and pink hair said ."alright tell her about yourself." Miss bowmen said and the girl with blue and pink hair went to the front and cleared her throat."my name is Jessie Ann, I am 16 years old and I went here at 14 years old nice to meet you Asuka." She said.
"Nice to meet you Jessie."Asuka said
Jessie smiled warmly and went back to her desk
A girl with blue eyes and pink hair walked to the front and introduced herself
"My name is Olivia Marie I'm 15 years old and I went here at 14."
And then a boy with blue and green hair walks to the front and cleared his throat
"My name is Preston Blake and I'm 15 and I went here this year so nice to meet you asuka."
"Nice to meet you too Preston." Asuka said with a smile
Preston smiled at her and walked to the desk
A boy with red hair and red eyes walked to the front and introduced himself
"I'm Sora I'm 16 and I went here a year ago,good to meet you asuka."
"Good to meet you too Sora."
The boy looked away and walked to his desk
A girl with purple hair and green eyes walked to the front and cleared her throat
"My name is Emily Toruu and I'm 16 and I attended her3 2 years ago I'm so excited that I get to have you here in this class."
A yellowed hair girl walked to the front and introduced herself
"My name is hailey
I'm 17 I've been attending here since I'm 15,we're honoured to have you here asuka."
And after the student introductions the green hair boy is left so he went to the front and cleared his throat
"My name is Leo Kanemaru and I'm 13 and I've been attending here since last year
And it's a honour to meet you asuka."
"It's an honour to meet you to Leo."
Leo smiled and walked back to his deck.
A few minutes later the bell rings
"Alright class you got gym to do you know where it is since asuka is new here." Said miss bowmen as she leaves to teach another class and the gym teacher came in his name is mr rascal he's the most strict gym teacher when it comes to student but when it's teachers he's chill completely.
Everyone immediately lined up and started to walk to the gym
"How come he's shouting at us aiu." Asuka whispered
"He doesn't like kids and he'll do anything for them to suffer and all he cares about is food but act like he doesn't care about food when the other teachers are around." Whispered aiu
And as soon as they went to the gym mr rascal came back with 2 Big Mac burgers and 5 bags of Oreos and a milkshake and Doritos
And he took a bite out of the burger and he said with his mouth full
"NEW STUDENT STAYS HERE WHILE OLD STUDENTS GO TO THE OTHER ROOM FOR BRUTAL TRAINING." After that he took another bite out of the burger "hmmmmmm juicy." Said the gym teacher quietly
"Alright Asuka see you after gym class." Aiu said worriedly "I hope so." Asuka said concerned.
After the old students went upstairs to the other room asuka was lined up with the other new students and in the gym clothing
And when she looked up she was surprised to see Artemis there. But she isn't going to be distracted
"LISTEN HERE IDIOTS, YOU NEED TO PASS THIS OBSTACLE THAT I PAID SOMEONE TO BUILD AND YOU BETTER PASS IT OR I'LL CALL YOU EXPIRED COKE!!!!" Mr rascal said as he opened a bag of Oreos and start to eat them and he pressed a button and a tiles to the gym floor open and it reveals a bunch of dangerous obstacles
Artemis was disgusted so he records everything and when he's done Leo spots him and he thought he could say hi even when he hadn't put the rest of his suit yet "hey Artemis it's been a while."
"Hey Kanemaru didn't think you'd say hi."Artemis said annoyed.
"Well I just want to say hi since it's been a year since I last saw you." Leo replied
"Haven't you got training to do?" Artemis asked.
"Yep but well I'll see you when I see you Artemis." Leo said as he went back to the locker room to be fully suited
Artemis looked down for a second and then went to the office.
"ALRIGHT YOU DOLTS DO THE TEST NOW!!!!" Mr rascal said as he starts drinking the milkshake
The new students start running and a bunch of students got hurt from this but didn't die fortunately asuka managed to dodge them and when she turned she was horrified when she saw the injured students
"YOU SUCK AT THIS YOU EXPIRED COKE!!!" Mr rascal said as he starts eating the bag of Doritos
"But I didn't get hurt, and they need to get care."
"So you didn't pass and I don't care if they're injured you're a expired coke." Mr rascal said sternly as he continues to eat the bag of Doritos
The principal and Artemis walked in the gym pissed off
The principal shouted angrily
" I don't know what you're talking out sir I didn't do anything wrong." Said mr rascal
"REALLY WHAT IS THIS???" The principal shouted as he pointed at the unconscious students and the obstacles
"They're just acting trying to get out of this and it's plastic." Mr rascal said with a nervous smile
" they're not acting and it's not plastic you're fired Mr. rascal" said the principal disappointed
Mr rascal wasn't having it so he attempted on attacking the principal then Artemis flips him and takes him down and puts handcuffs behind his back
" not only are you fired rascal but you are under arrest for attempted assault and attempted murder you'll be behind bars for two years." Said Artemis
"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO FOR 2 YEARS!!!!!?" Mr rascal shouted.
After mr rascal was taken away and the new students are put in care Artemis went to asuka
"Are you ok?" He asked
"Yeah I'm ok." She responded
"Since you're the only one who isn't injured or unconscious I'll take you to the weapon section,the students usually get their weapons on their second day but I feel so bad that you have to deal with rascal that you're getting it today." The principal said.
Asuka nodded and she was lead to the weapons room of the school
"The different colour will glow in you to tell you which element you'll be choosing asuka."
The principal said and she was glowing white and it had directions so she walked to where it is and it has a stick and she grabbed it and it turned into a Katana with flowers laced on it asuka was surprised Artemis walked towards her and looked at her "you don't know how to use a katana?" He asked
"No I don't unfortunately but what am I supposed to do with this?"asuka asked
"I'll teach you." Said Artemis.
"You will?"asked asuka
"Yeah I've been training with a katana for years now and Ill teach you I don't mind staying here for a good amount of time for you to get good at it." Said Artemis
"Thank you." Said asuka
"No problem." Artemis
"Now let's go check of how your classmates are doing." Artemis said
Asuka nodded and both her and Artemis walked out of the weapon room back to the damaged gym.

Asuka Erishima Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now