meet again

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Asuka wakes up early and puts on her uniform and did her hair brushed her teeth are breakfasts and went to school but it turns out that it was 4:00 in the morning
Asuka was disappointed and she hears the door open she went in a combat pose as soon as she hear it
"Asuka it's 4:30 in the morning not time for school yet." Said Aiu
"I know I was about to turn back in." Said asuka
"Some of us wake up late but you can go we'll catch up but you need a flashlight."
Said aiu as she walks towards asuka and gives her the flashlight
"Please return the flashlight when the rest of the class mates arrive." Said Aiu
Asuka nodded and leaves and Aiu returns inside.
Asuka turns on the flashlight and is on her way to school it's really dark out and cloudy too
" I know where the school is I know where the school is I know where the school." Asuka said in her head because it's extremely dark even if she has Aiu's flashlight it's difficult because it's a floating island and the dorm is in the forest and as she sees the light of her school she feels a tiny rock hit her head
"Ow." Asuka yelped as she dropped Aiu's flashlight and she picks it up and is about to walk until she hears a similar voice
"Hey freak." It's Amy colleens sitting in the trees."what do you want Amy?!" Asuka said annoyed
Amy jumps off the tree she sits in and into another one and it repeated until she is on the ground
"Nothing much so you manage to survive mr rascal's obstacles huh?"said Amy
"Those obstacles were extremely dangerous for new students and it damaged the gym." Asuka said sternly.
"Ok I get it that it almost killed new students." Amy said as she walked around asuka
"But see how you'll survive my power." Said Amy as she grabs two crescent swords
Asuka backs up and grabs her katana
"Amy I get that you're mad at me for what happened at the first day, but don't you think this is going a little bit to far?" Asuka exclaimed.
"I never go to far and I can't get expelled if I do anything didn't the principal tell you this?" Asked Amy.
"So you can't get arrested for murdering someone?" Asuka asked.
Amy nodded
"Wow I didn't know I was enrolled by the worst agency ever." Asuka said annoyed
And then amy charged at asuka.
Asuka blocked Amy's attack with her katana.
"Wow I didn't think you be good with a katana freak." Amy said and then she attempted to attack her again and then she blocked it again
And the fight ending up escalating
The fight was intense.
Asuka then ended up backing Amy away while their blades were clashing against each other
And then then Amy and Asuka flew to the sky and they did not stop fighting even they know they were in the sky they did not stop fighting
Then Asuka kicks amy in the face and she flew to the ground hitting some trees
Now at the school Lillian the vice principal who's getting coffee looked at the window and saw asuka kicking amy in the face but she didn't know it was them so she groaned as she throw out her cup of coffee and runs to the exit to the school to see who's fighting who.
And when Amy hit the ground she gets up and sees a few scratches and she sees her weapons flying towards her she immediately got up in a tree to avoid it
Asuka looks at Amy in the tree with worse injuries
"Amy you better stop bullying my class and the other class or you will regret your actions towards them." Asuka said angrily.
Amy gets off a tree she was sitting in to get her weapons and she laughed.
"I'm not going to listen to you now die!!!" Amy said
Asuka and Amy was about to charge each other until someone shouted "enough!!!"
Asuka and Amy stopped and look to see who it is. It was Lillian the vice principal.
"Miss Lillian it's not what it looks like." Amy said worried
"It's is what it looks like now you two report to the office." Said miss Lillian
"But it's not even 5:30 yet?" Asuka said
"I don't want to cause trouble asuka so please report to the office." Lillian said as she rubs her eyes and turns around and says come on.
Asuka and Amy followed Lillian
And then they went in the office to see the principal there looking disappointed
"I see you two are trying to kill each other." Said the principal
"Look all I was trying to do is go to school not to fight,not this early." Said asuka
The principal nodded then turned to Amy "what about you then?" Asked the principal
"Well she attacked me first and she threatened me with her weapon and that she'll sell my organs online so I had no choice but to attack." Amy said dramatically
The principal wasn't having it
"Amy colleens, I had enough with your lying mouth,all asuka was trying to do is go to school not to fight and her mom said that she'll never sell anyone's organs online,and I wish I could expel you but I can't but instead I'm giving you a two month detention and 200 pages of homework understand??" The principal said sternly."but she does it and she doesn't tell her mom and she threatens me if I told he-" Amy was interrupted by a booming principal."AMY ENOUGH OR I'M GIVING YOU 2 MORE MONTHS OF DETENTION AND 500 PAGES OF HOMEWORK."
Asuka was left speechless and amazed
Amy got up and left the office angrily
The principal looked at asuka and said
"I'm sorry for what happened asuka."
"I'm ok now it's just a few scratches I'll be ok."
The principal shook his head
"No you're not ok come on let's go to the nurses office." The principal said as he took asuka from the office
And after asuka got patched up she was sent to her class
Asuka was surprised to see miss bowmen there so early
"Asuka are you alright?" Miss bowmen said worried as she hugged her
"I'm ok just got into a fight with Amy schnee." Asuka said.
"When will she learn that the classes that she bully have feelings too?" Asked miss bowmen to herself
"I don't know to be honest." Said asuka
"Now asuka please take a seat and wait for your classmates to show up and can you give me Aiu's flashlight please she told me you borrowed her flashlight." Said miss bowmen
Asuka nodded as she hands miss bowmen Aiu's flashlight
"Thank you asuka now have a seat and I'll tell you something I told the other students." Miss bowmen said
And Asuka took a seat
"We discovered that there is 300 monsters roaming around the forest the school is sending the trained ones to fight them off do you think you'll be able to handle those monsters with your weapon?" Miss bowmen asked
Asuka was silent for a moment then looked at miss bowmen and nodded
"Good now wait for the students to come here." Said miss bowmen and as the classmates arrive miss bowmen shushed the entire class because they're getting loud
"Ok class you have ten minutesto change to your fighting costumes and when you're also done you'll be off to the battlefield." Said miss bowmen
Everyone got in line and head to the changing room
Miss bowmen already chose teams for the battle so it wouldn't take longer
"I couldn't believe it happened." Aiu said she's hyperventilating
Jessie tries her best to calm aiu down but it seems like it wasn't doing anything
Asuka is extremely concerned
"Has this happened?" Asuka asked
"No this hasn't happened but this is why this is a training school." Said Jessie as she gave up and put her costume on.
"Oh." Asuka said and then she proceeds to put on her costumes
And after asuka puts on her costume she walks towards aiu and looks at her
"Hey asuka." Aiu says quietly
"Look aiu this may be a hard since it never happened before not as far as I'm aware but if we do this together all of us, we'll defeat them in no time." Said asuka hoping it'll calm them down
Aiu looks at asuka with tears in her eyes
"Asuka, no one told me this before,if something bad happens and I wanted help no one would help instead they left me there to die when I was at horrible conditions and I-" aiu stopped for a second and started crying again.
"Hey aiu whatever it is we'll be there for you." Said asuka
"I'm not used to this and I'll keep it short." Aiu said as she wiped tears in her eyes
And looked at the floor and said
"I was raised by a abusive household
They were against anyone who likes cats and I was the only member in the family who extremely loves them so they beat me everyday because of it and one day the house was set on fire and everyone evacuated except me they locked me in the bathroom I was crying for help and when someone threw a huge rock across the window when the bathroom I was locked in was going to be on fire too I looked and a man with a woman had their hands up saying "JUMP OFF THE WINDOW." So I did and I was taken in by them and I didn't get any burns and that incident caused me to have a fear for fire." Said aiu
Everyone is left in shocked and they hear clapping
"Wow I didn't know you were an attention seeker." It was Amy colleens
"What do you want Amy!?" Jessie said ready to punch her
"Nothing much just wanting to spill the misinformation and get her hated." Said Amy with a evil smile
This gets Jessie so mad that she punched Amy in the face so hard that her mouth started bleeding
"I see that you're a tough one." Said Amy giggling menacingly
Aiu starts to cry again
"Oh come on aiu don't be a scardey cat and a cry baby." Amy says as she pulled a lighter and lit it up Aiu covered her eyes in fear and Asuka wasn't having it
Asuka walks to Amy and punches her
In fact harder than Jessie
Amy covers her mouth bleeding and tears came from her eyes and the lighter dropped and it got in contact with non fire proof products that it set on fire
"Guys I'll help." Leo said as he pressed on the bottom of his metal surfboard and it turned into a huge water gun and it put out the fire and Leo turned it back into the surfboard and Leo grabs Amy's lighter and opened a window and threw it out very hard.
"MY LIGHTER!!!" Amy screamed as she charged towards Leo and Leo grabs her by the arm and threw her against a locker face first and she fell hard on the ground and she got up and left the room violently crying.
Everyone was in silence
"Leo don't you think you gone too far?" Jessie asked.
"Yep I know but she deserves it for bullying aiu." Leo said.
"Don't be this violent with other students ok?" Asuka asked
Leo looks at asuka for a bit and leaves the room.
"Welp Amy's going to find a way to manipulate the principal into thinking he beat up Amy for no reason at all." Said Jessie
"I actually fought her today she got 2 months of detention and 200 something pages of homework assignments today so I don't think it'll work this time." Said asuka
Jessie's smile went wider and wider by a second.
"OMG Asuka the principal isn't having her shit anymore?" Jessie said excitedly.
"Yep." Said asuka
"Yippies!" Jessie said as she went to asuka and hugged her tightly
"Ok Jessie your hugs are getting too tight can you let go now?" Asked Asuka
"Oh,sorry I'll let you go." Jessie said and she let's go of asuka
Then miss bowmen came in and said
"Class come on out,where's Leo." Miss bowmen asked
"We don't know." Aiu said after crying.
"I'm here miss bowmen." Leo said
"Where were you?" Asked miss bowmen
"Have to deal with Amy's nonsense she got another 2 months of detention and 500 pages of homework." Said leo
Miss bowmen looked at leo for a second
"Ok then, class line up and be ready to head outside." Miss bowmen said and she leads the class to where they're supposed to be
As soon as everyone is outside asuka looks at Aiu and pats her on the back.
"Aiu it'll be ok I'll be your teammate and will get you through this." Said asuka.
Aiu smiled at her "thank you asuka."
Aiu said
"No problem." Asuka said
Then they heard a announcement come on
"Attention all trained students 300 monsters have found their way into the island and I need every trained student to eliminate them." Said the announcer
"Ok so it's in the forest." Asuka said
"Yep and we are going to kick ass." Said Jessie
"Let's hope we don't die Jessie." Said aiu
"They will fall." Said Emily as she activates her metal wings.
"If we do it together,we would accomplish this." Said Preston
Sora was quiet
"I'll help." Said Hailey
"Want me to help you?" Leo asked.
"Sure,let's do this." Said asuka and they went in.
A few minutes in the group was in a forest
"We've been walking for a bit are they sure there any monsters?" Asuka asked
"We don't know but what we do know is that we're on a forest sent by our school to kill them and we don't know what to do now." Said Jessie as she punched a tree.
Leo looks around and looks back at the team "I think they might be further away." Leo said.
"You could be right." Emily said as she sat down on a log and looked at the ground for a few seconds
"We're not that far from the school we might be near our dorm but they might be further than that so we continue walking until they see us and we'll start fighting." Emily said.
"All we need to do now is shut up." Sora said
"Ok then." Said Leo
And the group started walking again.
More than half an hour later
Aiu and Hailey were tired from walking
Asuka was getting tired too but she wouldn't let that get in her way.
Sora put his hood over his head with his cloak.
Preston looks depressed while Emily is happy
Leo was doing some thinking while walking.
"Come on it's been half an hour how much longer can we walk?" Hailey asks.
"we don't know Hailey we'll find the monsters and we'll fight them." Said Leo
Hailey frowned and then a huge monster comes in and is growling viciously
The group prepared their weapons
"You guys ready?" Asked Hailey
Everyone nodded and they charged towards the monster and striked them it didn't do much damage
Aiu has a staff with a cat face on it and it turns into a deadly weapon and it's emergencies only and this is a emergency
And she hit the monster with it really hard that it started to bleed
Jessie then started to use her metal hands and started punching the monster it backed a bit then leo pressed the bottom of his surfboard and it turned into a sword so he struck it many times before it retreated so the group went after the monster and the went into a huge space with trees around it and the monster roared the group looked at each other and nodded and ran towards the monster

Asuka Erishima Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now