Where am I? Part 3 of monster slaying finale of asuka erishima part one

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Zach threw asuka into the air and and away from the group asuka hit some trees and next thing she knew she was in the ground she got up "where am I?" Asuka wonders and she notices that her costume didn't have a single scratch while her skin has "is this suit indestructible?" Asuka said to herself but she decides to brush it off and grabs her katana and started walking and it was getting dark and she didn't have any light supplies but again she decides to brush it off so she continues to walk forward and she ends up finding a cave and it looks like it has light there so she looks at it deeply "the cave seems like that it has light source,should I go in?yes it does have light source I hope let's go in." Asuka said quietly and she proceeds to go in the cave.
She went in and see a campfire and her classmate it was Akira "oh hey asuka." Said Akira "what are you doing here?" Asked Asuka
"I got lost and I found a cave and it was dark so I made a campfire,what are you doing here asuka?" Asked Akira. "I was thrown into the air and now I don't know where I am." Said asuka
"By who?"asked Akira. "Zach the son of the leader of the monster prevention program." Said asuka "oh that-" Akira cuts her self by breathing "yeah zach is the most disrespectful student here minus Amy schnee, I met him and he made fun of my hair color and my power so I basically beat him up to teach him a lesson and it looks like he didn't learn his lesson." Said Akira. "What's your power?" Asked Asuka.
"It's telekinesis." Said Akira as she picks up a stick far away ."wow I didn't know you could do that."said asuka. "I literally just told you I can do that."said Akira "oh yeah I forgot you told me you could do that." Said asuka and she looks at the fire than Akira then at the fire again "so how did you encounter zach?" Asked Akira "well me and the group I was in was walking to slay more monsters then Zach appeared and he told us that he was informed that Amy reported to him about her getting beat up and decided to fight Artemis." Said asuka "zach fought one of the agents from monster prevention program?" Asked Akira
Asuka nodded "well he'll have to face the leader of the program because he spoils his son and won't let anyone expel him hurt him or even kill him if someone does either of those things to him they'll either get fired get a life sentence in jail or... get a death sentences." Said Akira
Asuka looked down with a surprise look on her face."what you're telling me is that the monster prevention program is the worst one because of the leader?" Asked Asuka "yep right after the previous leader was assassinated that leader was way better than the current one, I mean they'll actually expel really terrible people but now we can't get any terrible people expelled." Said Akira and Asuka went to Akira's side and pat her on the back. "Hey if the leader loses his job and gets replaced by a better leader we would be happier than we were before." Assured Asuka. "But I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon by the amount of agents who acts like his guards and do anything to protect him though." Said Akira sadly
"Well it has to happen." Said Asuka
"Yeah I wish." Akira said then they hear roaring in the distance
"Uh oh." Said Akira
"That's not good run." Said asuka
"Yeah but we got to put out the fire first." Said Akira
"Do you have a light source and water?" Asked Asuka
"Yes I do." Akira grabs a water bottle and poured it all over the fire until it goes out Akira turns on her flashlight and grabbed her things while asuka grabbed her katana which is the only thing she grabbed for the entire day .Akira and Asuka started running and they managed to run out of the cave
"Yeah I think we should be good now." Said Akira
But suddenly a monster comes out of the cave and starts roaring
"Run until it's the right time." Said asuka
Asuka and Akira starts running.
The monster then started to chase both of them
"Why did the announcement lie???"shouted Akira
"They must've mistaken it,but we need to run longer till we get to the ravine which I think it's this way!!!" Said asuka
"How did you know that this floating island has a ravine?" Asked Akira
"Yesterday I found a map at the school and looked through all of it so what I'm going to do is go to the right then the monster will go to the ravine and I'll knock it down." Said asuka
"The hell are you crazy???" Screamed Akira
"Yeah I am,and also knock down a tree with your telekinesis that way the plan would work way easier." Said asuka Akira went silent while running fore a moment and looked at asuka and nodded
"We're here and the monster is far but not to far Akira do it when they're visible knock it down ok?" Said asuka. Akira nodded and when the monster was visible Akira uses her power to knock down a tree but asuka wasn't in that tree so asuka wasn't hurt and when the monster came it tripped on the tree and Asuka jumped on it and both the monster and Asuka fell into the ravine.
"ASUKA!!!!!!!!" Screamed Akira and then she started freaking out if she'll survive or not
"Akira we didn't know you'd be there." She knew who it was and she turned around
She sees asuka's group running towards her and stops in there tracks
"Do you know where asuka is??" Said aiu who is panicking
"She knocked a monster down there." Panicked Akira and the group goes down to look at it
"No she can't be." Said Leo and he started to sound stressed. "Come on guys she could be alive but Artemis should know where the path to the bottom of the ravine is right?" Said Jessie
Artemis sighed and looked away. "Follow me." He said and then the group and Akira started running following him to the path to the bottom of the ravine
Asuka got up after falling into the ravine then the monster got up to and it looked at asuka with its eyes and Asuka armed her katana at it and charged towards it but the monster knocked her and she hit the wall and landed on her feet she wasn't going to give up so she attempted again then again then again until the point where she's at terrible condition
"This is bad and I don't want to give up." Asuka said as she looked into the sky which is full of stars and then she remembered she had a power too and she didn't use it and she groaned
"I'm a dumbass why didn't I use my power?!"Asuka said in her head as she gets up and she summons a huge white rose and gets on it and starts striking the monster with her katana and the sharp white rose petals and finally she gets on the monster then starts slicing it until it was into bits Asuka was glad that she was able to defeat it but now she feels dizzy
Then she heard a familiar voice
It was aiu
She turned to see her group running towards her and Asuka tried to run but could and ad she fell to the ground Leo was able to catch her in time. Asuka was unconscious after the beating she got from the monster
Leo put his head on her chest to feel the beating
"Asuka's still alive." Leo said
"We'll take her to the nurse and quickly she needs to get treated and then recover and needs more training too." Said Artemis
"Ok." Leo said as she puts the unconscious girl on her back and everyone starts running back to the school then to the nurses office.
A day later Asuka wakes up to find herself in the hospital bed.
"Where am I?" Asked Asuka then a nurse came in and was surprised to see a confused Asuka awake. The nurse grabbed her phone and called someone and went outside the room asuka was in.
23 minutes later asuka hears a knock on the door
"Yes?" Asked Asuka
Aiu came in bursting the door with tears in her eyes and starts hugging asuka
"I'm so glad you're alive!!!" Cried Aiu
Asuka smiled then hugged back
"Asuka do you know how much you worried me and yet you amaze me of how much of a badass you were when you were with that monster???" Jessie said angrily with tears on her eyes "I'm sorry Jessie." Asuka said guilty
"Don't be guilty you were a badass when defeating that huge monster I'm proud and I'm glad you didn't die!!!" Jessie said
"Oh thank you I guess?" Said asuka
Everyone else went in the room wishing for her recovery and is complimenting her moves and how much of a great classmate she is even when she's new there and then Artemis was the last one to come in
"Hey asuka I just wanted to say that you weren't a bad student even when you took down that monster." Said Artemis.
"Thank you." Said Asuka
"But when you get out of that bed you need more training do you know how close you were to dying?" Said Artemis sternly
"Very close." Said asuka turning.
"Well good but I'll see you when you finish recovering." Said Artemis and then he leaves the room.
3 months later asuka was out of the hospital and back in school
And when she entered the classroom everyone was happy to see her again even miss bowmen and she ran to asuka and hugged her tightly
And puts her back down.
"Welcome back asuka." Said miss bowmen with tears in her eyes.
"Well I'm glad to be back here." Said asuka
Everyone was happy and had the best day ever
And then back to the forest the leader was looking for his son that was missing for three months
"Dad where are you?" Screamed zach
And after hearing this the dad found his son and in terrible conditions too
"Who did this!!!" Said the leader angrily (the leaders name is James)
"Dad first your agent Artemis knocked me out then a monster brought me to its cave and is about to have me for its supper but I killed it and I don't know where I am!!" Zach screamed and started shivering
"Don't worry son. Me and Artemis will have a chat but I won't fire or put him in prison or kill him, we needed a very serious discussion." James said as he puts his injured son on his back and started walking to a ship where he landed in.

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