Chapter 16: Developing feelings 2

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Author's POV:

While Rudraneel was lost in his thoughts of Dhara..she came out of the closet wearing her nightwear and stood infront of the bedside mirror to do her night skin routine.

Rudraneel's chain of thoughts broke and his breath hitched looking at Dhara.

It's not that Dhara was wearing something very bold but it's just that, it's the first time Rudraneel's eyes wear treated to that much of her smooth silky skin!

It's not that Dhara was wearing something very bold but it's just that, it's the first time Rudraneel's eyes wear treated to that much of her smooth silky skin!

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(Dhara's nightwear)

Rudraneel's POV:

*Gulp* is she doing this on purpose..?

Huh baby..if you are..just wait for another month , I gonna show you , what your playing with! *smirk* ...

Author's POV:

Rudraneel's eyes got busy taking in the beautiful sight infront of him.

Though Rudraneel laid in bed , his eyes were following Dhara everywhere she walked in the room.

Meanwhile Dhara could feel his burning gaze on her , she tried to ignore it as much as possible, but her cheeks were slowly turning punk, her heartbeat was rising....and she couldn't take it anymore!

She quickly took Rudraneel's medicine and his scar-healing ointment from a cabinet and turned to face him!

Keeping her hand on her waist and giving him stingy eyes , as she stood on the side of the bed looking down at his lying figure, she says,

D- Why are you staring at me like that?! *In an agitated and flustered tone*

R- Baby, it's not me! *In a playful but as if being wrongly accused tone*

D- Accha ji!? If not you, then who?

Aur koun hain ham dono keh siwa iss room main?? *In a playful and mocking tone*

(Oh really?! If not you, then who? Who else is there in this room except for us two?)

On hearing this, Rudraneel instantly sat up on the edge of the bed on his knees and pulled her , making their lower abdomen's collide,

R- It's my eyes..They're staring at you baby! *In a mischievous sensual tone*

But this time around, Dhara wasn't perplexed or shocked due to his sudden actions! 'Same trick doesn't work twice' is a proverb that could describe Dhara very well.

Dhara slid her hands around his neck , brought her face close to his , she squinted her eyes and said,

D- Since your eyes are at fault , than it's only right if I punish them , is it not? *In a mischievous tone*

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