Chapter 28: A love, boundless and hopeless

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Yes Ik, updates are slower than snails. And I am sorry.

It's just that, life's stressful..

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Author's POV:

"No baby, it's time I should talk about it, and no, I am not forcing myself."

Rudraneel reassured her, but this seemed not enough for Dhara to be convinced, as this time she shook her head in a no and was about to say, "No Ne -"

"Jaan" , came Rudraneel's stern tone. His one stern tone and Dhara listened quietly.

After a few moments of silence to collect his mind, Rudraneel's expression hardened as he started to speak,

(A/N: Note that going forward if Rudraneel uses terms "Mr./Mrs.Chauhan" it refers to Nayana and Dahak.)

"..Nayana and Dahak Singh parent- no, my birth givers, were not married by their consent..or should we say, not by the consent of Mr.Dahak Singh Chauhan.

It was a marriage fixed in a haste by my paternal grandparents to stop Mr.Chauhan from indulging more into his then girlfriend, whom they considered not to be a good human.

They started their search for a perfect daughter-in-law..and they found her. It was Ms.Nayana Ghori, youngest daughter of their close business associate. She had all they were looking for in their daughter-in-law. she was beautiful, calm, disciplined, good-natured, innocent..

As an obvious consequence, Mr.Chauhan resisted, but all was in vain. The marriage took place.. And it was commencement of a tale of angst and misery...

Mrs.Chauhan, who was unaware of her husband's past, regarded Mr.Chauhan's aloofness towards her after their marriage as just an consequence if being involved in a business marriage, because that's what she was told by her parents. For her, this was a marriage to expand her father's business.

But as time passed, Mrs.Chauhan developed a soft corner for her "cold yet disciplined" husband..the soft corner turned to liking, the liking to love..Now her heart desired more. More than just his presence at dinner table, more than just sharing a room. But how?

She sought to the elder's all-time advice for all problems in a marital relationship, "Ek bacche keh baad, sab sahi ho jayega."

So for the first time in her marital relationship, she demanded something directly from her husband .
she was met with an cold, humiliating rejection.

But the "depth" of her love was much too deep to just stop so easily, so
she kept trying. Well, her efforts brought the rewards in one night..*scoff* when Mr.Chauhan came home heavily intoxicated..."

Rudraneel paused for a moment, as if to gather resilience. His expression still hard but now it looked even more disturbed.

Noticing his disturbed composure Dhara, who was still is his lap, carresed his cheeks with soft affection. This lead to Rudraneel shifting his gaze which was roaming in the room, back to his love in his embrace.

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