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Jimin couldn't tear his eyes away from his husband's electrifying performance. As Jungkook's voice filled the air, seeping into every inch of his body, Jimin found himself swaying to the rhythm. His heart raced with every note, every word.

"Mama, dada sing so good," Yul said, her eyes crinkling into a crescent shape as she watched with awe.

"Yes, baby, he does," Jimin replied, a big smile illuminating his face. They were all captivated by Jungkook's talent.

Minkook, shouted his father's name, amazed by dada's performance. And, like magic, Jungkook's beaming face turned toward their direction. A wave of warmth washed over Jimin as he saw his husband acknowledge them silently. The next moment, Jungkook's voice filled the arena, singing the heartfelt words, "You're the cause of my euphoria." Jimin's heart soared, knowing that those words were meant for him and their children.

As the performance unfolded, the crowd continued to cheer for Jungkook, their cheers echoing in Jimin's ears. The moment was overwhelming for their family. When the final notes of the concert filled the air, Jungkook took a deep breath and extended his gratitude to everyone who had come to witness his performance. Jimin couldn't help but shed tears of pride and joy as he listened to his husband's heartfelt speech. Jungkook bowed to the crowd before singing his last song, leaving them all in awe.

Immediately after the concert, Jimin and the kids hurried backstage to meet Jungkook. With his earpiece removed, Jungkook's smile grew wider as he saw his family approaching. He enveloped Jimin in a warm hug, feeling a rush of love and admiration. "I'm so proud of you," Jimin whispered, and Jungkook thanked him by pressing a gentle kiss to the side of his husband's head.

"Appa, you were so cool!" Seol exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Jungkook knelt down to their level, his eyes filled with love and happiness, as he engulfed them in a bear hug.

"Did you enjoy the concert, my little superheroes?" he asked, a tender smile gracing his lips. Minkook nodded vigorously, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "Yes, dada! I danced just like you!"

"You're the best Dada." Yul chimed in, affirming her father's greatness. Jungmin, nodded his head rapidly in agreement.

Jungkook cherished his children's adoration. He pressed a kiss to each of their foreheads, showering them with affection. "Thank you, my babies," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity and love. He stood up and looks at his husband direction, "I'll change my clothes, and then we'll head home." He informed Jimin.

Jungkook had already made arrangements to avoid any interviews or public appearances. He yearned to spend every moment with his family. The past couple of months had been filled with a hectic schedule, causing him to miss his family dearly. Now, he wanted nothing more than to dedicate his time to them.

"We'll wait for you inside the car," Jimin said, guiding the kids towards their vehicle, hidden away from any prying cameras or eager fans. As they settled inside, they eagerly awaited Jungkook's arrival.

Moments later, Jungkook joined them in the car, taking a seat next to Jimin. With the engine roaring to life, the driver navigated the roads, leading them homeward. Jungkook turned to his children and softly instructed, "Babies, when I bid goodbye to my fans, please don't come in front of the window." The four kids nodded earnestly, understanding the importance of his request.

As the car made its way along the road, clusters of fans stood in their pathway, waving and yelling Jungkook's name. Jungkook lowered the black-tinted car window ever so slightly, allowing him to acknowledge their support. Jimin smiled and turned his head away, ensuring he remained inconspicuous. Minkook couldn't help but peek through the window, his eyes lighting up at the sound of his father's adoring fans.

"Minkook, no, baby," Jimin gently reprimanded, meeting his son's eyes. Minkook immediately ducked his head and adjusted his posture, moving away from the window.

Jungkook waved at the fans for a while, appreciating their love before closing the car window. He then turned his attention back to his children, engaging them in a lively conversation. Their laughter and chatter filled the car, creating a warm and joyful atmosphere. Jungkook couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming gratitude for his beautiful family.

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Minkook is quite naughty!

Minkook is quite naughty!

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