chapter 06

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It’s a busy day at Cocoa & Pastries: the tables are all full, the air filled with chatter and a strong scent of coffee mixed with warm apple pie.

Ama called in sick again—a strained ankle this time—so I’m replacing her for the umpteenth time. Luckily, I’m not alone: Geo, the newcomer, is helping me.

“Take this one to table two” I say, giving him a tray with three fuming hot chocolates. “I need to clean the mess at table five. They broke a plate, the shards went everywhere.”

“Table two. Gotcha.”

I get the broom and dustpan from the storage room, and with my biggest, fakest smile, I make my way to table five. My thoughtfulness is unnecessary: the group of teens sitting here is too busy howling with laughter to notice my enthusiasm—or lack thereof.

I sweep the floor, throw away what’s left of the plate and the pie, and lastly, I go back to the table and ask the group if I can bring them something else.

“Your number” laughs one of them, elbowing the boy sitting next to him.
Needless to say, they all snicker and praise him—some even highfive him.

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, not on the menu.”

“What about you?” he insists, his gaze persistent. “Are you on the menu, sweetheart?” More laughter, more eye-rolling on my part.

“I’m not edible.”

“I could still eat you. Bet you taste good.”His words remind me of what happened with Mr. Jeon, yesterday. I know I made the right choice, but part of me keeps wondering if maybe…

No. I shake my head, trying to push the thought away, and I glance at the shameless boy in front of me. “I taste—”

“What she tastes like is none of your business.” I turn around so fast I almost trip on my own feet. Ben is here again.
He’s standing a few feet from me, his heavy coat and wool scarf still on.

“You need to stop” I tell him, an anxious undertone to my steady voice.

“Seriously, what the fuck?” A glint of flaming anger burns in his eyes, but it’s gone in a second, replaced by a cautious look. “Please. I know I fucked up last night—”

“That’s an understatement” I interrupt him. “And I don’t care if you were drunk, upset, or possessed by the devil himself. You don’t get to act like that.”

He runs his hands through his brown hair. “I know, okay? I made a mistake and I hate myself for that. I despise myself.” He spreads his long arms. “Isn’t that enough?” Enough? Oh, God, is he serious?

“I don’t know what you expect from me” I mumble, heading toward table six. The lady sitting there keeps waving at me. “I don’t want to be with you, Ben.”

He’s immediately at my heels. “Just because you’re stubborn. You refuse to see that—”

“To see what?” I hiss. “That you’re a controlling, toxic jerk? That you’re unable to accept a no? Trust me, I see that just fine.”

He grabs my arm, yanking me toward him, and I stop thinking: I catch a half-full cup from the nearest table and drench Ben in lukewarm tea.

For a second he doesn’t react: he simply stares at me, eyes wide, tea dripping from his pale face.
“Don’t you dare grabbing me like that again” I growl, taking my arm back. “Don’t you dare, Ben!”

“What’s going on here?”

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Not him, not now.

I keep my eyes closed, hoping Jo’s words are directed at someone else, but it’s unlikely: the café is silent, and I can hear his footsteps coming closer.

“Y/N, what the hell?” he says, and this time there’s no doubt he’s talking to me. “Are you out of your mind?” I slowly open my eyes. Jo is standing in front of me, his eyes glancing at Ben. He’s trying to dry off his face with his scarf.

“He won’t leave me alone” I defend myself. “What else was I supposed to do?”

“I have no idea, but it’s not my problem anymore.” His stare is cold, when he looks at me, but I can make out the hint of a smile hiding under the surface. “You’re fired.”

Fired. Fired. No, absolutely not: I cannot afford to lose this job.

“No, hey, Jo.” I follow him, not entirely aware of the people watching me, following my every move. “Please. You can’t just fire me.”

He doesn’t even turn to look at me: he simply strides across the café toward the back, where his office is. “I just did.”

“I was trying to protect myself, you know?” I insist on the verge of tears. “Please. I need this job.”

He reaches for the office door and turns to me for a quick glower. “Not my problem anymore. Take your stuff and get out of here.”

I’m tempted to say something else, like a really bad word, but I keep quiet. It would be useless: Jo decided to fire me months ago. He was just waiting for an excuse to do so, and I gave him a perfect one.

“I hope you’re happy now” I say loudly, turning to face Ben. “Was this your plan? You thought getting me fired would make me reconsider the situation?” I force out a laugh. “You’re delusional.”

“Y/N, come on, you know that—”

“All I know is that you need to get fucking lost” I roar, power walking toward the staff-only area. “Don’t come near me again or I’ll call the police.”

And I will, if he does something else, but at the moment I have something more important to think about: what am I going to do now?


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