𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 10

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The Lust at first bite is an exclusive nightclub—there’s an entire chain of them, actually, all scattered around the Asia and Europe.
The one I’ll hopefully be working in is located in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods of the city, where the elite (and wealthy vampires) like to party. Not the kind of place where I usually hang out: it’s out of my price range and I deeply dislike nightclubs. Working in one is fine, though.

At six p.m. Kanny welcomes me in her office, a big room in the back of the club. I don’t know what her role is here, but it’s pretty obvious she’ll be the one deciding whether I get this job or not.

“I still don’t know what kind of occupation this is” I say, sitting down on the chair in front of her.

“Ben… he didn’t say it.” Kanny looks at me for a long moment, a curious glint in her eyes. “Because he doesn’t know. He would’ve withdrawn, and honestly, I couldn’t afford it.”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“We need a new stripper” she explains, a half-smile on her lips. “I don’t think he would like the idea.”

“Ben and I aren’t together anymore” I quietly explain. “So, I honestly couldn’t care less about what he doesn’t like.”

“I see.”

There are a few moments of silence, then I look up. “I thought I’d be waiting tables or… I don’t know, clean around. I already have experience in that field.”

“You also have experience in this field.”

“Stripping?” I shake my head. “No. Sorry.”

Kanny grabs her phone from the desk and angles it toward me. On the screen there’s a picture of me during an old performance: I’m standing in the middle of the stage, wearing a black tutu, black pointe shoes and a black mask. I look fierce, even though ballet has always been my least favorite kind of dance—I liked modern dance way better.
“I was a dancer” I tell her. “Not a stripper.”

“You’re not forced to strip.” She locks her phone and puts it back down. “Our girls are mainly dancers. Some of them like to incorporate stripping to their routines or shows, but it’s not a requirement.”

I hesitate. There’s nothing wrong with being a stripper: it’s a respectable job like any other. It’s just the thought of being at the mercy of so many men with potential malevolent intentions…
“We have a strict no touching policy” Kanny says, as if she’s read my mind. “Nobody touches you unless you give them explicit permission.”

Jesus. Am I really thinking about it?
“What would I need to do?” I ask after a second of hesitation.
Kanny proceeds to explain everything: shifts, clothes, work etiquette,money…

“On a good night you could go back home with three thousand dollars” she points out.

“Three… Three thousand dollars?”

Kanny smirks. “Not so bad, huh? You’ll have to build a solid client base, and that may take some time, but I trust you won’t face big problems in this sense.” Crap. That’s insane. I quickly do the math in my head: even with slow nights, I should be able to save a nice amount of money in no time, all doing something I love—dancing.

“When do I need to start?”

Her smile gets bigger. “Is tonight a problem? We’re short staffed and could really use some extra help.” Is it a problem? I don’t know. Between this and Mr. Jeon’s money, with the right decisions on my part, I could really change my life for the better.

I look up, determination and excitement and anxiety coursing through my veins at the same time. “I’ll do it. Where do I need to sign?” After showing me the club, giving me the combination of my locker, and encouraging me to buy clothes and shoes from the shop in the back,
Kanny leaves me alone in the changing rooms.

Tonight, I’ll be working from eight to midnight. It’s simple: I get out there, on the big platform (specifically in Area number four), and I dance for whoever is watching, then I collect the tips.

“First day?” I look up. The girl sitting at the vanity next to mine, a redhead with plump, shiny lips and huge fake lashes, is smiling at me.

“Hi. Actually, yeah.” I scratch my neck. “Is it so obvious?”

“No, it’s just we all know each other, and you’re a new face.” She extends a tan, lean hand. “Jasmin. Nice to meet you.”


“Well, welcome on board, Y/N!” she exclaims, looking back at the mirror. “Are you on a trial period?”

I nod. “Two weeks. What about you? How long have you been working here?”

“About a year.” She starts sectioning her hair with a comb. “Before this I was dancing in a hellhole of a tavern where the average client had a criminal record three feet long. Talk about improvement!” Jasmin is very nice: she openly talks about her experience at Lust at first bite, how she’s treated, the money she’s able to make on an average night, the reason she’s working here—pay for her studies.

“I want to become a biologist” she says. “What about you? What brings you here?”

“Oh, I…” I shrug. “Debts, mostly. And I’m saving to open a bookstore, in the future.”

For the first time ever, that elusive idea appears a tad bit more tangible, to the point I don’t feel like a fool saying it out loud.

I don’t know how this thing will turn out, but I’ll try my best. Of this, I’m sure.


𝐵𝓁𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝑀𝑒 Where stories live. Discover now