Chapter 3

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Vincenzo's POV

"So.. that's what happened based on what I remembered," I said to her, a little embarrassed because what I said did not seem so real and convincing.

"Well that was a great story and I don't know if I can totally digest and believe that." the woman replied, looking at me suspiciously.

"Oh before I forget, I want to ask, what is your name and where are you from? You just don't seem like a pure-blooded Italian." I said changing the subject.

"I am Emilia and I am only half Italian because my mother is a Filipino and she was born in Malolos, Bulacan," she replied, still with her suspicious look.

"Are you, by any chance, a stalker? Or maybe a scammer? Since you have been asking so many questions since we met earlier." Emilia added

"I'm sorry, it is just so confusing that I am a hundred years away from my current time.. So I'm sorry again, I didn't mean to offend you." I replied sadly

Emilia gave a nod and her phone suddenly rang.

"What's that thing? And why is it singing?" I dumbly asked

"It's a phone and this song is titled The Feels by Twice. Of course, the phone is not singing itself." Emilia explained dumbfounded at my sudden question.

"Aah.. So that's it." I said scratching my head in embarrassment

Emilia answered the phone and talked for a while. After hanging up, she looked at me and said, "I need to go now, my boss is calling me back."

She collected her things, stood up, and walked away hurriedly, answering the call that came when she started walking or maybe running. I was again left alone, in this strange world, which I confirmed is the future.

I got up from my seat, took the drink that she called 'Slurpee', and then I started walking out of that alley, with no idea of where I was going. I suddenly remembered our palace where I lived, well I technically still live there in my time. So I started walking and asking people questions about the direction to the palace. And again, I received strange glances from them because of the clothes that I was wearing that seemed so out of place.

After at least a few hours of walking, I finally reached the palace. But then again, I was disappointed because I did not have permission to enter, thus making my trip to the palace in vain.

I sat in a corner near the palace, appreciating its beauty at night. Reminiscing of the times when I was younger, I always got scolded by my mother because of playing in the palace grounds located at the front. She would always say to me that I should not be playing there because I could get lost or be taken by a stranger. But I will laugh at her concern and my brother will always be there to defend my childish acts.

While I was looking at the palace, I saw Emilia from afar, holding something that produces light and I think that is a camera, to be exact a modern one. I approached her and greeted her.

"Emilia, what are you doing here?" I asked

"Oh my God! You startled me again," she said, looking in my direction.

"Well, I'm just curious as to why you are here?" I replied

"I'm taking photos of the palace, to be published in an article," she told me, answering my question.

"Well, you should be taking photos inside, not here," I said, as a matter of fact

"I think you don't know that the palace only accepts visitors until 6 pm. And because of our coincidences earlier, I didn't arrive in time." she angrily replied.

"Did you forget that I am a prince here? Of course, I have other ways to enter, aside from the main gate." I proudly declared.

She sized me up and down, looking at me like I was some kind of a lunatic.

"Then let's go! Show me your 'other ways' to enter the palace." she taunted 

"Follow me," I said, and I started walking towards a deserted alley near the back of the palace.

'Thank goodness that this passage is still here' I said to myself, making a mental note to conceal this passage but never have it removed.

Emilia looked at me, amazed by the sudden discovery of this hidden passage, and then we proceeded to enter the palace through it.

"How did you know that there is a hidden passage in here?" she immediately asked after we entered the palace grounds.

"You should believe me when I say that I am the crown prince and to answer your question, I discovered this passage when I was exploring the palace before, after I escaped from one of my teachers to play because his subject is too boring." I proudly said to her.

"You're even proudly boasting that you skipped classes just to play and explore. I don't know what to say about you." Emilia replied with sarcasm but she also laughed.

"You should start taking photos. I don't want the guards to notice us and get us arrested. After all, I'm still a prince so it is shameful to be arrested in my palace." I jokingly uttered to her.

We started exploring inside the palace grounds with me guiding her and even briefly explaining things and some short history. She took multiple photos using her camera, seemingly enjoying the scenery.

We too, entered the palace itself and I took her to the King's Study which is now converted into a museum, as well as my Mother's room, and even my room. We also went to the Royal Library and the room where all the royal family's pieces of jewelry and crowns were stored. It is really a good thing that not the whole palace had cameras or in Emilia's term, the 'cctvs'.

Grateful for my help, she invited me to stay at her place for the time being. At least until I figured out how to go back in the past.

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