The Marauder's Map

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"Oh, I'm going to kill him."

Sirius sat on the edge of his bed, holding the Marauder's Map like a newspaper. Remus looked over his shoulder, pointing a lumos at the parchment. 

"Did he forget that we made this? Is he stupid? Moons, I think he's stupid."

Remus just smiled and shook his head, watching the footsteps of James Potter and Regulus Black as they made their way down the abandoned corridor, towards the Slytherin dorms.

"And out of everyone he chose to sneak out with, it had to be Regulus. It had to be my little brother! Oh, James, you dumb fuck."

"Hey," Remus chuckled, putting his wand down beside him and wrapping his arms around Sirius' stomach. "Let him have his fun. You can yell at him tomorrow." He rested his chin on Sirius' shoulder.

Sirius wrinkled his nose and shook his head, rolling his eyes as a smile broke out on his face. "How can I say no to you?"


Meanwhile, James and Regulus crept down the corridors, unable to stop laughing. Their fingers linked together as they went, letting the moon light their path. James couldn't wait until they got to Regulus' dorm, though, and had already stopped to kiss the Slytherin multiple times. This had earned him a whack on the head every single time, but had also made Regulus smile. 

James just let himself be free and have fun with Regulus. He had dismissed any possibility of them getting caught. He had successfully snuck out of his dorm, and Regulus' was empty tonight. As long as he got back by sunrise, they'd be fine. They could be together without having to worry about what anyone might think. Especially Sirius. Besides, James liked sneaking around. He liked the thrill of it. It was almost as good as getting away with a prank.

James had completely forgotten about the existence of the Marauder's Map.

Even if he was thinking about it, it wasn't like Sirius was going to be looking at it at this time of night. He was probably asleep, cuddled in Remus' arms, like he was every night. Lucky them, they were in the same house and got to share a dorm. Before James and Regulus had gotten together, James had been extremely jealous of Sirius and Remus' relationship. But now, he had Regulus. And he always would, through thick and thin, through good and bad. Through everything. It would always be them.

They were only down the corridor from the Slytherin dorms, but James couldn't help himself. He pressed Regulus against the wall and kissed him again, ignoring the Slytherin's multiple attempts to break free.

"James, you fucker, we're almost there!" Regulus laughed against James' lips. "Save it!"

"One more..." James compromised. Regulus rolled his eyes, but his lips tugged up in a smile.

"How can I say no to you?" James kissed him again, short and sweet, before grabbing Regulus' hand again and running towards the dorms.


Remus was dead asleep by now, but Sirius just couldn't get himself to drift off. His mind was stuck on the fact that his best friend and his brother were together right now, doing Merlin knows what in the Slytherin dorms. He hadn't looked at the map for a little while, since he was worried that he might wake Remus. But now, he couldn't help himself.

He carefully slid out from under Remus' arm and grabbed his wand from off the bedside table. He cast a dim lumos before whispering, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

The magical parchment began to show the map of Hogwarts, and Sirius' eyes landed on the Slytherin dorms. There they were. The footprints of James Potter and Regulus Black. Regulus was against a wall, and James stood directly in front of him. Sirius knew exactly what was happening.

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