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The music in the Gryffindor common room blared, the air filled with laughs and chatter. The game of truth or dare was growing by the second as people joined the crowd surrounding the spinning bottle.

People were laughing wildly as others gave out despicable dares, and pulled deep secrets from the depths of their victims' souls. The whole room was untroubled and tipsy from the alcohol, with no worry in the world as the game continued on. 

James swung his bottle between his fingers, laughing as Marlene was dared to kiss the prettiest person in the room. She, of course, headed straight for Dorcas without a second thought. People whooped and cheered as they began to make out.

Regulus sat by James' side, squished between the Gryffindor and Barty, who was mercilessly flirting with Evan. Regulus usually didn't like being in such close contact with people, but he didn't mind right now, probably due to the drinks.

After someone broke up Marlene and Dorcas' make out session, it was Marlene's turn to spin. She did so very aggressively, and the bottle whipped around the circle for a while before finally choosing the next victim.

It chose James.

People ooh-ed as Marlene asked, "Truth or dare, Potter?"

James, being the dumbass he was, answered, "Dare. Give me your worst, McKinnon."

Marlene smirked evilly like a Cheshire cat, and Regulus bit his tongue to keep from telling James he was an absolute idiot to ask for a dare from Marlene McKinnon. Gryffindors were known for their evil dares, Marlene more so than most. James usually didn't think shit through, but he especially didn't when he had alcohol in his system. Dumb fuck.

"I dare you..." she hummed, eyes scanning the circle. "To play seven minutes in heaven with Regulus."

The circle erupted in noise, some people yelling or cheering or gasping. Sirius' voice was crystal clear through the crowd as he screamed, "McKinnon, not my baby brother!"

It was a well known fact around the school at this point that James was absolutely smitten with Regulus, and Marlene knew good and well what she was doing. She winked at him, taking another sip from her drink as James bit the inside of his cheek. He heard Regulus inhale sharply from next to him, his body freezing.

"Oh, come on! Don't be a wuss," Barty cackled from the other side of Regulus, Evan's head on his shoulder. Similar shouts came from around the circle, and James slowly stood up, offering his hand to Regulus. People began oohing again as the two made their way towards the stairs to the dorms.

Regulus' hand was clenched around James', and his breathing was faster and heavier than usual. James usually wasn't a very attentive person, but around Regulus, he was. He lead Regulus into his dorm before gently closing the door behind them. The Slytherin looked anywhere beside James' eyes, his chest rising and falling quickly, as if he'd just run a marathon.

"Reg... Are you okay?" James muttered over the faded noises from the party. 

Regulus still didn't look up at him, but replied, "Yeah. Fine."

James hesitated, making a face. "Are you–" However, he didn't get to finish, as Regulus grabbed his shoulders, bringing their lips together and shutting him up. James paused for a moment before kissing him back. Regulus leaned back against the wall, one of his hands burying itself in James' hair as James' hands landed on the Slytherin's waist.

James couldn't help but notice that Regulus' hands were shaking, and he seemed distracted.

He pulled away from Regulus, looking down at the Slytherin. He opened his mouth to speak, but Regulus pulled James' head down to his own neck, not letting him talk. "Just... just do it, James..." he whispered, holding James' lips against his pale neck.

James reached back behind his head, loosening Regulus' grip and forcing himself away from Regulus' neck. "Reg. Talk to me. You don't seem like yourself."

"James, please... it'll be easier if we just get it over with." The Slytherin's voice trembled a bit, looking down at the ground.

"We don't... we don't have to–"


"You're obviously panicking right now, Reggie..." James said, lacing his fingers gently through Regulus'. "I don't want to do anything you don't want to do. Besides, it was just a stupid dare. I won't force you to go through with it."

Regulus didn't respond, but his lips quivered. James opened his arms, letting Regulus fall into them. "It's nothing about you, I swear..." Regulus whispered into James' shoulder, tears threatening to escape from his eyes. James held him tight, rubbing his back.

"I know, Reg... I know..." James mumbled in response, leaving a gentle kiss on the top of Regulus' head. "We won't do anything."

"Thank you," the Slytherin said softly, his tense body beginning to relax. They ended up going over to James' bed and cuddling. Regulus allowed James to spoon him, finding comfort in being in the Gryffindor's arms.

Neither of them felt like returning back to the party after the seven minutes were up. They didn't move from their spot on the bed, even when Marlene and Sirius came up to pound on the door and attempt to get them out.

"Brotherfucker!" was the last thing Sirius yelled before his and Marlene's footsteps faded down the staircase again, back towards the party. Both Regulus and James burst out laughing.

After a short silence, Regulus asked quietly, "So... what does this mean?" He glanced down at James' arm, which was holding Regulus' waist against his own body.

"What do you want it to mean?" James asked in response. "I mean, I expect that you've heard that I fancy you. The whole school knows at this point, because of my idiot friends."

"Yeah..." Regulus inhaled a quiet breath. 

"I don't want that to put any pressure on you to feel the same way. You shouldn't like me just because I like you."

The corners of Regulus' lips pulled upwards into a small smile. "It's... complicated, how I feel about you. It's certainly not that I don't like you... I love being around you, and I love hearing your voice, and I... think about you sometimes," Regulus explained. "But, I've never, you know, fancied a boy before, so I'm confused. I mean, I liked kissing you, even if it was kind of forced. I'd like to try it again under different circumstances." James chuckled, and Regulus smiled in return. "But, besides, even if I did fancy you, we could never be together. My parents would never allow it."

James caressed Regulus' side. "They don't have to know."

"Quite the rebel, aren't you? You're a bad influence."

"Your parents would hate me."

"Well, I'm not my parents," Regulus hummed, turning his face towards James'. "Can I kiss you? I really want to."

"You don't even have to ask," James replied with a smile, letting their lips connect again.


A/N: I'm sorry this took so long to write :((

Anyway, a special thank you to my friend @Bubble_gummie645 for helping me write this! She made me listen to classical music and opera throughout the process of it. Love her.

Request from: @Brynlee999137. I hope this is what you wanted <3

Word count: 1174

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