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~In the morning~

Branch woke up in his bed earlier than before this time and immediately shot up, looking around.

He just sat there for a minute, running a hand through his hair as he was thinking about everything.

Did it all.. actually happen?

Was that actually their Valentine's Day?

He wasn't too sure what to feel until he looked over and saw the now fully bloomed flower on his side, sitting on the same table he'd placed it the first time.

Turning away from it he began to smile, ever so slowly.

Oh yeah, this was real.

He got up out of bed quickly and ran to his closet to find clothes and get dressed to get his day started.

And in the right attire this time.


Walking out of his bunker he would see that a few trolls here and there were talking amongst one another with smiles on their faces.

Smiling, it sunk in more that this truly wasn't a dream, and that everyone was saved and back to normal.

Besides the village still being a mess, but, he figured they'd get to that in a little while.

Up ahead were his brothers and his lover, all walking around with one another as they were in engaged in their own conversations.

Clay was walking with his arm wrapped around Viva's waist when he saw his little brother just a small distance away from them.

"Ayyyy there he is!" He said with a smile, pointing.

"Branch!" Poppy said, hopping over to him.

And as soon as he saw her and everyone else, his own smile would grow wider, and he began to approach her as well.

Giggling, she practically jumped onto him and squeezed him, Branch wrapping his arms around her in return.

"There's my hero," She said in a soft voice, pulling away to put a sweet kiss on his lips.

"Oh come on, I.." Branch chuckled, putting her down gently, "I'm not a hero."

"Of course you are! And I could list SOOOO many reasons as to why," She nudged him with a smirk, "so don't test me boogerbear!"

Branch had to roll his eyes with a short laugh.


"Yeah it sounded better in my head-"

"She's right though," Bruce walked up to them in a few steps, "you really are a hero Branch, not even just from yesterday but in so many other ways. You reminded your big brothers to stay together when times get rough."

"Yeah! Not only did you save everyone else, but you saved us bro!" Clay nodded over at them with a smile.

"Yeah!" Cooper popped up out of nowhere, "and then you- uh- what'd you do again?"

The others would all agree collectively and Branch smiled over at them, his heart feeling heavy from love.

"Thanks guys.. but, I really couldn't have done it without you all, nor would I be who I am without you in my life."

Trolls: The Valentine's Day Curse!Where stories live. Discover now