Chapter 4

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It's early Saturday evening, I'm alone in our apartment, sitting cross legged on the couch and working on an assignment. A quiet song is playing in the background. My phone rings, I glance at the screen, it's Lara. A few days have passed since Lara received that photo, since then she made sure to always go places with her brother, Elias. Since Elias doesn't drive, they catch a bus together to her destination. It's a hassle since most of Elias' activities are all the way on the other side of the city,

"Hey Lara!" I answer,

"Sofia!" Lara's voice is panicked, "I've got another one!"

"Another what?" I ask, though I know exactly what she's talking about,

"Photo of me! I found it under my door!"

"Just now?"


"Are you alone?"

"No, my brother's home, but I don't know what to do anymore! I can't live like this!" I can hear Elias speaking softly in the background,

"Have you told the police?"

"I called them as soon as I got it. They're on their way, they'll try and see if anyone has been around our building and check any street cameras. But there's no use! I know they won't do anything about it!"

"Where was the photo taken?"

"It's me walking out of the theatre after our last dance rehearsal"

"Does it say anything?"

"Yes, it says in the same black letters as before, I hold you while I fall asleep each night"

We're both silent after she reads it out. I remember the last photo said this photo is one of many. And now this. What a sick person.

"Did you install a camera outside your front door?" I ask,

"We bought one yesterday but didn't get to installing it. We'll do that today"

I hear sharp steps outside the apartment, then the door opens. Daniel walks in. We make eye contact but seeing I'm on the phone he doesn't say anything. He walks past me to his room. I feel my hand going white as I clutch the phone harder. He had missed his fight the night Lara was followed. He has a scratch on his face. He wore a black hoodie. The words keep replaying in my mind. What if his room is filled with photos of Lara? What if I was to walk in there right now and see them?

"Sofia?" Lara asks, I realise I hadn't spoken since Daniel walked in,

"Sorry. I'm just thinking..." I say,

Daniel walks out of his room, changed into workout clothes. He grabs an energy drink from the fridge then with a little wave my way he leaves the apartment. I'm alone once again. My heart is thumping as I stare at his bedroom door. What if I go in right now? Just quickly, walk in and look. And then when I don't find any photos, I'll feel better.

"The police just came" Lara speaks, "I have to go"

"Okay, stay safe Lara. Don't go anywhere without Elias, okay?"


"Call me when they leave"

"I will"

The call ends. I stand up, glance at the front door. This is my chance. Now or never. First I check that the front door is locked, then I quickly run to Daniel's room. I grab the handle, only stall for a moment, then push the door open. His room is bigger than mine and Nina's. On the right side of the room, hanging from the ceiling, is a large black boxing bag. Well used from what I can tell. To the left is a double bed, sheets thrown over messily. There's also a desk and a bedside table. Nothing too unusual, no photos of Lara hanging on the wall. But what if they're hidden somewhere?

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