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Third person POV-

A loud growl was heard not far from a running person.

'Run!' The women thought as she held something wrapped in blue. She ran to the forest until she tripped on a root. She turned to her back and took the full blow.

The growl came closer, and she started to get up. But before she could run, she was bitten on the side.

The woman yelled in pain as blood started falling down. As the hellhound was about to bite again, it was shot by a silver arrow and turned to dust.

The woman fell backward as the blood lost was too much for her to be saved.

Soon, a silver figure hurried to her side. "Lady Artemis? Is that you?" The woman asked.

Artemis looked surprised. "Yes, it is I. Are you clear sighed?" The woman nodded but winced at the immense pain.

"Please hold still. I'll call my brother–" Artemis started but was interrupted.

"Lady Artemis, we both know even Apollo won't be able to heal me quickly without Embrosia and Nectar." The woman said, and Artemis sadly nodded.

"May I ask a request, Lady Artemis?" She asked.

"Sure." Artemis answered.

"Can you adopt my son." She said as she moved some of the blankets to reveal a sleeping two week old boy in her arms.

"I know you hate males, but please. He doesn't have any other mortal family apart from me, and i don't wish for him to also experience an orphanage." She asked.

Artemis was silent before saying, "He's a demigod, isn't he." The women nodded.

"Please, Lady Artemis. You can make him the first good male." She said, trying to convince Artemis.

Artemis looked at the woman and saw how much pain she was in, but she was holding on to know the answer.

Artemis then looked at the child. "Okay, I'll adopt him." She said tho still reluctant.

The woman smiled, "Thank you. His name is Perseus Jackson. Tell him that I, Sally Jackson, will always love him." Sally said before closing her eyes for the last time.

Artemis placed two drachma on her eyes and prayed to Hades to allow her soul to Elysium before burying her body on a hill where the rising moon could be seen perfectly.

"I guess I should adopt you." Artemis looked at the child who was starting to make up.

She went back to the hunter camp where everyone went up to her.

"Lady Artemis, what does thee have?" Her lieutenant Zoë asked.

"A child." Artemis said as the Hunters gasped.


After a while of telling her Hunters what happened. Some understood and were a bit excited to have a little brother again. While others still didn't like it since the child was male.

"Are you going to Ichor Adopt him?" Phobe asked.

Artemis nodded and told the Hunters to bring a table.

After the table was placed, she placed the child on the table before bringing out her dagger.

She breathed in before reciting the adoption oath the gods do.

"I, Artemis. Goddess of the hunt, the moon, archery, wilderness, wild animals, child birth, and charity here by adopt Perseus Jackson as my own. May my blood run in his veins." Artemis finished. She then put her arm out and sliced her forearm, drawing Ichor from it. She let the Ichor run down to her elbow until it fell into the childs mouth.

Unwanted child of ArtemisWhere stories live. Discover now