Camp Half-Blood

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I lost a bet with my friend, and now they want me to make the journey to camp half-blood all I'm one part. So I hope you enjoy reading long parts. Sorry in advance.


Percy Jackson POV-

"So where is this camp half-blood?" I asked Annabeth as I was finishing breakfast, which is rabbit and mushrooms.

"It's in Long Island, New York." She answered.

"Hmm, that's like four days from here. And you were going to walk there by yourself?" I asked, "Why didn't you run away sooner? Like in the summer?"

"Because im at camp during the summer." Annabeth said as she fiddled with her bead necklace. "My dad sent me a letter saying I'm welcomed home anytime. I decided to give him a chance, but that was a mistake." Annabeth said as she looked down at her shoes.

"I see. You weren't treated the same by everyone." I looked at Annabeth, and she nodded.

"My dad was nice, ignored me a bit, but less than previous times. But then there's my stepmother. She still treats me like a freak." Annabeth said.

"I understand." I said, but Annabeth just glared at me.

"Do you? I'm still ignored by my father. My stepmother treats me like a freak, and so do her kids! I've dealt with this my whole life! My father never wanted me. He asked Athena to take me back because he didn't want a kid!" Annabeth was crying at this point.

"I know what you feel." I said calmly, "My birth mother died, so I was left with my godly mother. Who actually adopted me. But do you want to know something?" I said, Annabeth just wiped her tears away.

"She regretted adopting me. I was a mistake, she said. Half of my sisters also hated me and would beat me. Yet the other half were kind and would help me." I felt my eyes burning with tears, and my throat go dry. "She kicked me out last year on my birthday because my sisters that hate me lit the camp on fire, and I was blamed. My mother basically disowned me that day."

I held my left bicep as if the wound opened up again. I then wiped my tears away. "But I promised my sisters that saw me as their brother, that I would be a brother they could proud of."

'And maybe... just maybe Mother will claim me as her son and won't think of me as a mistake and worthless.' I thought, out loud apparently since Annabeth heard me and hugged me.

"...I'm sorry for assuming." Annabeth said

"It's fine." I said as I hugged her back.

We both just sat there in silence. "Breakfast is ready." I said before making more kabobs. We sacrificed a kabob to the fire before eating.


I was packing up my things as we were getting ready to depart for Camp half-blood.

"Alright, that's everything." I said. "You ready?" I asked Annabeth, who seemed to finish solving her rubix cube for the 7th time.

"Finally!" She said, "You took too long." She complained. It was only 15 minutes, but I'm guessing she also has ADHD.

"We should make half a days journey of we go right now." I said.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go. I don't want to be in the cold anymore." Annabeth said headed towards New York.


Annabeth Chase POV-

When Percy said he understood how I felt. I got a bit angry because people say that they know, but they don't know how I feel. But when Percy said what happened to him and why he's living in the forest. I realized that he did know how I feel.

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